It's like I have a twin!
It's like I have a twin!
Don't feel too bad for these bros. After closing they're going to catch some tasty waves.
"Be Kind Rewind… or don't, didn't you see the sign outside?"
Now Jeselnik can return to his true passion- picking up hitchhikers.
Thanks CAMERON! That daft sod.
You have something against people with preternaturally small mouths?
After watching several series of "24," I was sure that Fara was going to stab Javadi. Pleased to be wrong.
This is probably for the best- I was running out of creative reasons why I own so much of their film catologue.
Who cares about that trollop. I think I speak for everyone here with the query: 'Who will be playing Alfred the butler?"
"NBA superstar Kevin Love?! What are you doing here in a cafe in Brooklyn? Its mental!"
If you think he's fascinating now, wait until you read his screenplay!
That's too bad. I was this close to returning the VHS copy of "Rashomon" I checked out in 1989.
"Puts the biscuit in the basket?"
And he's also a puppet!
By cookies do you mean Scotch?
Sadly, not everyone is as committed to the craft as I am.
When me favorite pub was closing last year, I bought it. Just saying. Empty your wallet, Stipe!
"After rescuing the damsel in distress, young Mr. Batkid will then engage in several years of a drawn-out and contentious legal battle with Warner Brothers and DC Comics over trademark infringement."
No, you're thinking of "Batman."