Cheers, my good man. I shan't go on without him.
Cheers, my good man. I shan't go on without him.
“I do not choose to be a common man…it is my right to be uncommon—if I
can…I seek opportunity—not security…I want to take the calculated risk;
to dream and to build, to fail and to succeed… to refuse to barter
incentive for a dole… I prefer the challenges of life to the guaranteed
existence, the thrill of fulfillment…
Sylvester Stallone's career and popularity is inexplicable to me.
Young Chris is a cockroach, he's a survivor. The final scene of the series will be Chris sharing a passionate embrace with Carrie as the camera fades to black.
Wait, this show is still on the air?! I'm gobsmacked by this news. Talk about burying the lede…
Schaeffer came back last year, playing piano for Marty Short in the monologue.
This is a perfect occasion for a Full House-type situation! Hire two midgets. Problem solved.
Of course Brody must live so he can return to the US and defend his title in the "2014 Man with the Smallest Mouth" competition.
I adore the Jebediah Atkinson sketch a bit too much, and then I realized its because I too am a cynical misanthrope from another era.
Once, during the late 90's, whilst eating lunch with an acting colleague of mine at the "Garden," it came to my attention that the pasta I was half-enjoying was clearly microwaved. As a result, drinks were thrown, barbs were exchanged, and lawsuits were threatened. And I have yet to return…
My godson Caligula got a chuckle from this article. Well done!
The Cumberbatch's are takin' all of our jobs.
One of the great things about technology is if there's some regional food you want, you can have it shipped to you. For Thanksgiving, we're enjoying $60 worth of Chicago deep dish pizza, just like the Pilgrims intended!
One of the great things about technology is if there's some regional food you want, you can have it shipped to you. For Thanksgiving, we're enjoying $60 worth of Chicago deep dish pizza, just like the Pilgrims intended!
"We've had lots of compliments…" My god, this man is in denial.
Yesterday, when I went to post a fairly obvious, semi-amusing comment about "Walking Dead," I could not log in. Did the same people that worked on the site also work on this redesign? Because it sucks.
This seems like an anecdote from one of the stranger "The Wonder Years."
This man made immeasurable contributions to the arts, and his film criticism provided an essential blueprint for all future critics… but with that said, I'm not donating unless the statue depicts him eating some popcorn or a hoagie.
Its about bloody time.
In 1994, I carefully staged and faked my own death, but had to return when no one noticed or cared.