
You are clearly missing the point.  That innocent bystander was merely Deb's Light Passenger.

It's clear that the writer's only drink Coors Light cold activated cans.

Is anyone else irritated about how much they give away on the previews for next week? I'm not saying be like Mad Men but good God, let me wonder about the next episode a little.

I believe that Harry killed himself with an overdose of heart pills after seeing Dexter's kill room for the first time.  The tapes made it seem like the first few kills Dexter just told Harry about.

You know nothing, Gary X.

A very underwhelming finale. I would have bet money that the final scene was either going to be Stoneheart or Coldhands.

I totally thought the last image of this episode would be the camera panning up from Robb's feet sitting in a chair to slowly reveal Grey Wind's head on Robb's body. If they don't somehow put that in the next episode, I'll be pissed. For some reason, that was the most disturbing thing about to whole red wedding to

Close-Watcher, you are correct in that Jaime was forced into the King's Guard as a way to hurt Tywin.

In regards to the Russo plot, I get the feeling that, while Francis always thinks 10 moves ahead, he always plays the hand he is dealt (if that makes sense).  I think that his goal was always the VP but his plan adapted to the circumstances.  I want to say he was originally going to have Russo get the Watershed Act

I just finished the show and well…..it's not bad.

I've watched the first four episodes, and it's not bad.  I'm a really big fan of Kevin Spacey breaking the fourth wall and explaining what he is doing.  The way he talks to the audience in sort of a condescending, very bored way, like he is just stating basic facts, is great.  However, the only problem I have so far

Hmm……where to start?

Hmm……where to start?

I dunno about you guys, but it definitely seems like Dexter is having a sort of identity crisis.  Ever since Deb found out, it has seemed like Dexter has been on the edge.  He has killed Viktor and Ray to help relieve his stress and to try and gain control of his life, and it hasn't seemed to work. And tonight, as

I dunno about you guys, but it definitely seems like Dexter is having a sort of identity crisis.  Ever since Deb found out, it has seemed like Dexter has been on the edge.  He has killed Viktor and Ray to help relieve his stress and to try and gain control of his life, and it hasn't seemed to work. And tonight, as

Chicago went to the Super Bowl with Rex Grossman at the helm, a mediocre QB is all they need.

Chicago went to the Super Bowl with Rex Grossman at the helm, a mediocre QB is all they need.

Ha, but the idea that Dexter pretty much fabricated the villain that caused his demise, IMO, would be pretty good TV.

Ha, but the idea that Dexter pretty much fabricated the villain that caused his demise, IMO, would be pretty good TV.

@avclub-2e4107ccdf29b2ba754931d865b97d4b:disqus Breaking Bad is such a tightly written show, it seems like nothing gets overlooked.  Dexter on the other hand is almost like a procedural. Stuff happens and then it's back to the status quo. Dexter tries to balance darkness and comedy equally.  It's like the writers