
@avclub-2e4107ccdf29b2ba754931d865b97d4b:disqus Breaking Bad is such a tightly written show, it seems like nothing gets overlooked.  Dexter on the other hand is almost like a procedural. Stuff happens and then it's back to the status quo. Dexter tries to balance darkness and comedy equally.  It's like the writers

You're right, I completely forgot about LaGuerta.  Honestly, with the way this show is written, You are probably right. However, I have a feeling that Laguerta may be a key to the end game, regardless of how well she can suck her way to the top.

You're right, I completely forgot about LaGuerta.  Honestly, with the way this show is written, You are probably right. However, I have a feeling that Laguerta may be a key to the end game, regardless of how well she can suck her way to the top.

I dunno, maybe because my field of study is psychology/neuroscience, that I really loved the idea that Dexter was a killer pretending to have emotions.  However, with the 'he's a real boy!' kinda slant and the fact that after seeing such a tightly written show that Breaking Bad was, Dexter left a lot to be desired.

I dunno, maybe because my field of study is psychology/neuroscience, that I really loved the idea that Dexter was a killer pretending to have emotions.  However, with the 'he's a real boy!' kinda slant and the fact that after seeing such a tightly written show that Breaking Bad was, Dexter left a lot to be desired.

I like Dexter, but I want to love Dexter.  I finally watched Breaking Bad this summer, and I'm afraid that it  may have permanently ruined Dexter for me.

I like Dexter, but I want to love Dexter.  I finally watched Breaking Bad this summer, and I'm afraid that it  may have permanently ruined Dexter for me.

I was totally hoping that Louis might turn into the big bad of the final season.

I was totally hoping that Louis might turn into the big bad of the final season.

I must say, I was pretty disappointed with this episode.

I must say, I was pretty disappointed with this episode.