
"You know, we're all kind-of Crazy-Town Banana-Pants."

@avclub-977cf54e52109b5b2795406737cf36d4:disqus I was just trying to make a pun on him being an AC repairman, but damn that's actually better.

In S1 he abused his power as their teacher and was a bit of a pitbull, but he wasn't crazy. I don't remember that episode you're talking about, but 1 background gag doesn't change the writing for an entire season's worth of development.

Laybourne Blows.


Funny funny stuff.

It's not her tax audit, it's a band of tape with her name written on it she put on her friends morning show mug to feel included. She can be any age and put hearts or stars above her i's without seeming childish. She'd seem Annie-ish.

Regardless of anyone's enjoyment of S3's various developments, I think all of us hope for a better S4, whether this is seen as a return to form or a continuing greatness.

Glad to hear I can keep up with Lloyd Braun.

Boring was a poor choice of words. I really meant that it's the least expounded arc of the season, having had its start in 310 but been as here and there as the others. For what's it worth, I love VSA and am quite certain that Abed's arc (as late as it came) will probably be the most satisfyingly concluded of all

Edit: meant to reply to Dr. Clash's first response. I haven't quite got the hang of this Disqus thing.

Disclaimer: I thought this episode was fine even though I probably won't watch it much. I just feel like getting out some qualms it's brought to my attention that I've been having before they might be seen in poor taste.

@avclub-a17bf70c7cfc521094e5cf8bc02bc04a:disqus I have a joke I make whenever me and my brothers quote a bit from the classic run (which is often). After all our giggles I'll quickly order "Now quote something from S6". Cricket chirps follow.

That's very kind of you. I'm often unsure if I'm running long but usually try to keep my paragraphs cohesive and side comments relevant. I can end having failed in that regard.

@avclub-d7f43e1fb2d4977c86163d9b0cb07814:disqus What @avclub-a17bf70c7cfc521094e5cf8bc02bc04a:disqus  said. The Simpsons is at least as good as its 90's contemporaries Seinfeld and Friends and those still command quite a space on local and cable stations. Mentioning cable, you might realize that FOX refuses (or can't,

5-6 seasons is a good number to go out on for most shows. It's a nice midway between the British 2-not-enough but before it tips into the standard American 8-too-much-my-god-what-have-you-done-?-!.

Futurama isn't a pale imitation yet, but it's getting there. I see its 6th season as the first signs of illness (similar to S8 of The Simpsons). There's only a cough here or there but it's definitely worrisome. It's still producing good work but it's slowing. I hope it gets cut at the 8th season to be safe (though if

@avclub-eac75edc18b8546c46893fe4b75ab995:disqus The mediocre past decade of The Simpsons has run off the original golden run (generally considered 1-9 with some leeway for 10-12) from syndication. As such, many potential Simpsons fans might get turned off from viewing the show seeing it as equal or lesser than family

I'm with you Woz, but more aware of why I dislike them. There are in fact less Winger Speeches delivered by Jeff this year (the other characters make for the slack), but their underlying problem is as present as ever.

I liked Chang/Pierce too. The gags were over-the-top but they work because they emphasize how much each character is glad to have someone to hang with.