
Brie's English accent will literally be the funniest thing in that movie.


One of the reasons for that, much as it may hurt to say, is that Dean is the most consistent character on the show along with Abed. Day one those characters had most of their traits nailed and they haven't changed since. The other characters have changed to either better characters (Britta) or mixed results (most of

You guys, every single one, my people. I unloaded a big rant on last week's page about Jeff/Annie's relationship being a showstopper (bad kind) and hurting Annie's funny.

If it's Magnitude I'll hate the writers forever.

If Stephen77 hadn't said otherwise below, I'd be mildly reluctant to admit that I love Brie and The Girls cover of "These Girls" more than Glover and Garfunkel & Oates version. While responding to posts on my long-winded one above, I must have listned to it at least 12 times.

I've felt that Troy was swallowed into Abed simply because the character would have little interaction with the group otherwise for a while now. As such, breaking the characters for new ground was always going to be a problem and would nearly always be messy in its handling. I wish it could be different, but I know

Sort-of. It's really the holding off that makes it weak. The more excuses they make, the more the excuses are the characters relationship rather than what inittialy drew anyone to them in the first place. I just want a trigger pulled like it was with Jeff/Britta to see who these people really are with each other.

If I was better at insight into the characters rather than at my basic level of entertainment I'd attempt to respond to your 125 review, but you have me beat. I'll have to tackle those threads as they develop in S3 so I'll just respond to your second paragraph.

Be proud and happy of your feelings regarding J/Annie. I wish I could like them like you could but I've been burned too often by my other favorite series (Futurama) to accept anything other than build. I just want to see it develop, to see the characters seriously grow rather than reset and learn again. Screw "what

Your last paragraph states what I mean better than I did. I don't dislike J/Annie as a relationship, but rather from a writing standpoint. I'd love to see it build and expand on what's come before. Limit the redundacy and move forward is all I ask for.

The Dreamatorium episode should be some great insight into Annie's feelings toward the other characters (as she acts out her versions of them) and quite funny to boot.

I find any Jeff moments that are overt (with Annie, some with Britta, even Abed) play falsely to what a real person would do. Most people don't have wordy revelations of who they are or really say them out loud. They just start acting differently once they realize how they come across or actually feel (and that's

I'm fine with Annie being part of what changes Jeff, but I have a problem with how the way she affects him seems to be presented as more important than how others in the study group or his life at Greendale causes him to change.

It's not the detailed explanations that helped me like this episode, it's that them as part of the concept that helped me from thinking too much about the reality of the plot. If they had shown the war the way the did the paintball competitions, it would have been too silly because there is no basis for it. You see

The "try" was more of a personal hope. I'll probably be only somewhat less wordy than I was here.

I like to include jokes to keep my TV arguments from seeming too serious, so I'm glad to hear they work.

I’m sorry for the length and lateness in advance.

I think The PTA Disbands managed to sum Marge and Bart's relationship in two lines while Marge Be Not Proud took an entire episode (of schmaltz) to do.

Two episodes so far everybody, sheesh. I really feel like everybody's jumping the gun on this. We're only two episodes in and already everybody's saying that Alison is off to a bad start. You have to remember that she usually doesn't pick up till a few episodes in. I have faith in Dan Harmon's wardrobe department that