
The basic courtesy of reading-not-skimming the posts before mine is apparently beyond me.

It could be a bit of a reference to when the a similar thing happened to Han in Star Wars, difference being that Han backed from the Stormtroopers while Troy was shot by them.

I figured that the writers were safe going for dark episode endings since the tags would always be light. The tags are usually one-off jokes and are always played for laughs.

Deans' pervert alike
Dean Pelton likes animal constumes and Dean Spreck was comfortable enough dressing as a giant ice cream cone that he wore it for an entire day. I wonder if Spreck sent Pelton the dalmatian video?

"If the writers had planned it, why didn't they have Abed say it? "
"Yeah, when it comes to Abed, this show has never been very subtle. It almost always points to its references. "

A rare miss for Abed
Abed claims that the genre shift was from a western to a Star Wars motif, but it didn't change at all: it became more specific. For A Few Paintballs More is overall influenced by Seven Samurai/The Magnificent Seven, which are Westerns (as genre conventions go, Samurai films are Westerns). You have

jbrecken, unless Annie spends a lot of time standing in front of mirrors or other reflective surfaces, that wouldn't be nearly as exciting as you think it would be.

A Chang to Remember
I really liked Chang's scenes with Jeff at the wine tasting and dinner party. They were reminiscent of his characterization in S1 when he was just an abrasive guy that Jeff bumped into (the scenes were practically deleted ones from Intro to Statistics) rather than the nutcase that S2 has fumbled in

No shipping, I just think it's funny if they have a lot of sexual-commenting ammo against each other, which works better if they are screwing rather than just referring back to the one time. That said, I remembered Jeff's comment about Britta in this episode ("You just guaranteed she'll bone him") and have come to the

So… No secret Jeff/Britta FWB?
Troy and Abed lists a lot of dudes that they knew that Britta dated. Is it possible that all these guys are off-screen from S1 or should we assume that they are all off-screen from both seasons and the Jeff/Britta FWB thing that seemed to be hinted was all in collective fan imagination?

Arsenio Billingham, if you're willing to deal with some background laughter, these soon-to-be-linked podcasts have plenty of sets from the Quentin Tarantino Roast.

I love that joke. Even the characters acknowledge that their group has far more to do with shenanigans than studying.

Britta was used as well as she could be for this kind of episode. Britta's always been very impulsive in her rebelling, more doing it for the rebelling than why to rebel, so it makes sense she'd go up and try to cause a pointless takedown of government and have no one agree with her on its necessity (mostly cause they

Pierce's Subtle Redemption
*Super late on talking about this episode, but I just joined the AV Club primarily so I can post on the Community threads and I'd like to get some thoughts in about this episode before next week's likely lighter affair*