The Disappointing Kreskin

She's sad
because of her "Harry Caray" sunglasses?

Joan Crawford has risen from the grave
Every time I see one of these late career hack-fests from Crawford, that song comes immediately to mind…

Anon E. Muss reminds me of Neil on "The Young Ones"

Has anyone noticed
the abundance of Stephen Dorff movies on this list?

I've seen 19 of em
mainly due to the fact that the Encore network (and The Movie Channel) show a lot of these every month for free as part of my Dish subscription.

When I first saw the title
I thought it said "Jessica Simpson Suicide Watch" and then I thought she was probably distraught over her tuna sandwich because she heard somebody had been "fucking that chicken".

Yeah, but when she was on there, they kind of made her look like a psycho and a slut…

One branch away from being a quad.

How come Ashley
going through E's email and phone is creepy and a cause for breakup, but JLS going through Turtle's stuff is weepy drama and a hope for reconciliation?

Why not settle for both and call him "fuscular"?

I agree… you can look back over the history of SNL, and there have been some great musical performances, just not anything over say the past 15 years. When I think of musical guests on the current SNL, all that comes to mind is when Ashley Simpson did the hoedown/jig when her lip sync track messed up…

Arreola was auditioning
to be a part of the cast of Saturday Night Live.

It's because SNL has become a black hole that can take even the most interesting and talented performers, and suck all the entertainment value out of them.

If Dunkin' Donuts had a deep fryer that only cooked doughnut holes, would that oil be "holey"?

That leak was caused by the shark from Jaws 3D coming back for his revenge.

This would probably be pretty good
if, at the end, Bruce Willis had a showdown with Yul Brynner in a Western-themed amusement park.

I annoint my chicken
with hot, magical oil and it becomes crispy and delicious.

Beck's other favorite band? Skrewdriver

Sundays on CBS followed by a new series featuring a plumber/private detective searching for clues in the New York sewer system…

Next week, Fichtner and Jane Krakowski try to get Drama to sell Confederated Products.