Magical Drama Queen Roxy

Lady Madomea!
ETA: Oh whoops, replied to the wrong comment.
Eh, whatever, nobody cares..

It didn't even run down the glass! The bright red drops hit the window and immediately vanished!


Oh fuck, Fincher is doing a remake? The first thing he's gonna do is mute the colors and make everything look really bleak and grey.
Well, at least the violence will be as graphic as in the UK show.

I only said terrible things about xojane, so I still feel pretty damn good about myself.


Only if he does it publicly, in writing, for everyone to read and comment on.

I'd consider renting a Sean O'Neal sexbot. Mostly for the stimulating conversation. Mostly.

Hey, I happen to have a very specific fetish that involves gay men publicly supporting pointless wars, and I honestly feel so attacked right now. I thought this was a safe space.

People are going to tell you that Friday Night Lights is "not really about football, man, it's about characters and shit, blahblah coach", and that even non-football fans will love it if they give it a chance. Don't believe those people. I forced myself to watch the entire first and half of the second season and then

Don't even joke about that.

My favorite part of the movie is when Laina (Lelaina is not a name, Reality Bites) makes fun of Vickie for actually enjoying her well-paying, regular, 9-5 job at the GAP, and Vickie, who is paying the rent and the bills goddammit, tells her to fuck off. I WANT TO SEE A MOVIE ABOUT VICKIE.

Watch it.

That Hiroyuki Sanada is in surprisingly good shape for a 53-year-old.

Nobody deserves anything for HIMYM.

I always watch and then read the review and comments, but I haven't felt the need to comment on an episode yet. I wouldn't know what to write other than "Great show" and "Teddy sucks".

Fargo fuck yourself.

In Post-Soviet Russia, dong hangs Putin.

Nazi boobies! Communist boobies! Dragon boobies!!