Magical Drama Queen Roxy

Hopefully, Georg Elser would have been a Belieber.

I'll have what HBO's having!

Fringe glorified extra, more like.

Genesis P-O and Uncle Sleazy definitely should have gotten their own paragraph.

Sometimes, when I'm feeling down and need a good laugh, I go read the Pitchfork review for The Fragile. It's… special.

You can definitely slow-dance to some of the songs on "Perpetuum Mobile".

Coil's "Ape of Naples", it's their last and most accessible record. And Psychic TV's "Force the Hand of Chance", because it's great. My 2 recommendations.

Robin Thicke groped that woman before he knew she didn't like it, so it's not in poor taste.

…and that's how I met your mother.


Hey, don't blame me, I voted for Kang.

I like to call him Andy Domeberg.

Oh please, that's ridiculous. She's a brunette.

re #4: I loved how long they drew that scene out.
"You need to kill yourself! For the Dome!"
"I'll do it! I'm gonna kill myself! I'm gonna kill myself for the Dome!"
"What are you doing? Are you trying to kill yourself? For the Dome?"
"Yeah. Come over here and help me kill myself for the Dome!"
"I'll help you kill yourself

I'm not a fan of the genre, but I just love these guys. There's always a few songs on each record that don't hook me at all, but the ones that do are stuck in my head for weeks.
Their covers of Wagon Wheel and Cocaine Habit are two of my all-time favorite songs.

Boom! Rapture.

I liked it, but you're right about the piano music, that was just grating. They should have hired some avant garde electro musician to score the show, like Les Revenants did. Grimes maybe.

Yeah okay. But only because I like Callum Keith Rennie.

It would have been fondly remembered as trashy fun if it had just ended after the first season. It's turned into Entourage with ugly old people. (No offense to Stephen Tobolowsky, we're still cool.)

Annie's Boobs totally hit that.