Magical Drama Queen Roxy

According to Dan Fienberg over at Hitfix, he gets whole redemption arc in the next couple of episodes.

I think she's gonna bang Justin Kirk. Just a hunch.

Also, after 19 years of marriage, she picks the most upsetting, emotionally stressful occasion in her husband's life to demand an explanation for why he's been such a gloomy gus ever since they met? Maybe don't marry and have kids with a guy you find so emotionally closed off. No wonder their son is incapable of

I didn't find it boring either, I found it excitingly terrible. It had everything I love to get upset about: rape, sexual assault, women and children getting slaped around, a white guy playing an Arab… I'm surprised that there's not one single mention of this show on my tumblr dashboard. Doesn't bode well for its

I think "Forgotten Lady" is worth singling out, since it's the only episode where Columbo willingly lets a murderer, played by Janet Leigh, go free because she's dying of brain cancer and can't remember she did it. I remember watching it as a kid and feeling really confused because there wasn't a bad guy to root

I don't understand you, Watch This! I don't understand you at all!

I still can't believe he outlived Amy Winehouse. Compared to him she was straight edge.

Gawker had an article about this, titled "The Video of Tracy Morgan's Crash that Louis CK Doesn't Want You to See". Their position is that the video is fair game because Louie himself has spoken out against censorship against comedians in the past, which clearly gives Gawker and TMZ the right to show a video of one

I'm playing The Banner Saga, but I'm not really into it. I like the setting and the artwork, but the fights are kinda slow and boring. Or maybe I just haven't gotten used to it yet.

I actually did that once myself. I was called flakey and irresponsible, but not crazy.

It's so weird that he still has to explain why he went on a 2-week holiday 7 years ago, after quitting what was probably a very time-consuming, exhausting job.

Oh I'm sorry, that's my grocery list.
Book 6, Chapter 1:
King Varys watched the slave boys as they carefully prepared his breakfast."

He cried on camera? He's crazy!!
Seriously, where do all these "mental health issues" theories come from? Did he ever say he was depressed or unwell? He never sounded or behaved erratically in his interviews. He just made a clean cut when his career took a turn he didn't like. I don't understand how people are still

Cat gif carcasses everywhere :(

Stewart Copeland for looks, Vinnie Colaiuta for talent.

I know that joke about people googling yahoo is pretty old by now, but last week I watched my mother do just that. Apparently, she always googles "yahoo mail" to check her yahoo email account. Also, she has a yahoo email account, full of spam of course, which she never deletes, of course.

Request for reviews of renewed Review: 4.5 stars.

I think what Close-watcher is saying is: hosted by "another Daly character".

As long as it keeps her away from Criminal Minds *shudder*