Magical Drama Queen Roxy

Probably pays better though :(

Jessica St.Clair never eats fruits. (fruit?)

I do have issues with grown men who won't shut up about their teenage students' asses, yeah. I guess that makes me the asshole.

That's true. I interned at my country's embassy in Seoul, and we often had to help out panicked teachers who had signed up with some shady organisation that got shut down. I remember one of those organisations provided 1-room apartments for their foreign teachers, and once the company went belly up, they got locked

You make a good point. If that is the case, I'm genuinely glad. I realize my initial comments came across as pretty harsh, it's just that I've become pretty weary of that particular section of the expat scene during my time there because I've had so many consistently negative experiences.
But yeah, times change. I

Well, to be fair, I haven't been to Asia in 7 years, maybe things are different than they were in the early '00s. Maybe this generation of ESL teachers is less gross.

Sure, in theory it sounds totally reasonable and harmless, but I've spent a few years working in South Korea and Japan, and roughly 90% off all male ELTs I've met at various expat parties and other occasions sooner or later felt compelled to share their fascinating opinions on Asian pussy and girls in school uniforms.

Ugh, white guys who move to Asian countries to "teach english". Only actual, unapologetic sex tourists are skeevier.


If I could remember who recommended Martyrs to me, I'd never talk to them again. Jesus Christ what an unpleasant movie.

In their defense, all the men on this show are idiots and deserve to not get laid.

Except when it's an episode where horrible things happen to the gay character because he's gay.

Good job, guys! I really, really enjoyed it, and I've bookmarked several of your animators' tumblrs and blogs.

Episode 2 was a little disappointing. The animation was worse than in the pilot, and the plotting was weird.
Ami deserves better, dammit.
If they mess up Sailor Jupiter's first episode, I'm gonna be so mad.

While I don't agree with @IminyJo:disqus 's point of view, I do think it's a little condescending of you to accuse them of not knowing the difference between a character and an actual person just because you don't agree with their interpretation. You didn't adress anything they wrote, and instead opted for vague

I was surprised by how many commenters at io9 complained about the "unrealistic" premise of Snowpiercer every single time it was mentioned in an article or even just a stray comment. Like, 5-10 people would pop up and criticize the same thing with almost the same wording.
"People living on a train that never stops??

A fellow xojane hate-reader, I presume?

I like to think that balding men who shave their heads aren't trying to hide the fact that they're going bald, they're Keyser Soze-ing their remaining hair before it can be taken away from or used against them.

Neat, I like Major Crimes.

Well, she is black, so…