Magical Drama Queen Roxy

Which browser do you use? I always get logged out when I use Chrome, but not with other browsers (or at least not every fucking time I refresh a page)

Dik of Love

Yeah but the Trading Spouses and White News Anchor sketches from Chappelle's Show also exist; that evens things out.

Ok, I admit, #dogkissing made me chuckle.

Leggy leggy leggy leggy
Leggy leggy leggy leggy
Leggy leggy leggy leggy
Leggy leggy leggy leggy

I didn't like that movie, but I did like that phase of Bruce Willis' career, if that counts?

This time, the sunset is trying to kill us!

I'm conflicted. On the one hand, Kathryn Hahn is great and I'm rooting for her.
On the other hand, The Last Airbender killed my soul so thoroughly that when I die, I will probably be stuck in purgatory for all eternity with millions of aborted babies and people who accidentally killed themselves. So… I guess I'll

The only upside is that Cary and David Lee are hopefully gonna get much more screentime now that that storyline is over.
Still, D:

It's what our murdered parents would have wanted for us


My first thought when reading your comment was "Oh no I hope he doesn't mess up his pretty face with that shit", and I feel bad now.
He is very pretty.

*Freddie Mercury sheds a tear in heaven*

Mandela was the gay-friendly Mandela. Takei is the gay, friendly Mandela.

He's the gay Mandela!

Damn, his science is too tight!

Are you one of those two crazy sisters who are stalking Tig Notaro and who constantly link to blogs that accuse the Kroll family of being Zionist lizard people?
You guys need to get help.

Yes, I always imagined that world to be kind of steampunk-y. Like, cool engineering stuff, not lasers and government-controlled UFOs and shit.


"I have two names, Steve and Tim. I alternate."