Magical Drama Queen Roxy


Can we use imaginary rainbow-colored food?

Oh great, a white hero and a brown villain! That'll challenge the audiences' preconceived notions!

I really liked how Veronica managed to completely fuck up both her career and her love life over the course of a weekend and then decided to just double down on her terrible decisions and get back together with her terrible ex.
I can relate to that.
I used to be staunchly anti-LoVe, but it made total sense that

But they look cute when they're mad!

How is "Spun Out" doing in Canada with critics and audiences?
I didn't like the pilot much, the second episode was only slightly better, but the third episode with Will Sasso was great, he really brought out the best in Blandy Protagonistman and I hope he becomes a recurring character.
It's a shame they made Dave

I had a bulimic phase in high school, I binged and purged once or twice a week for 2 years. I'm almost 30 now and still get heavy nose bleeds out of nowhere, especially when I sneeze or when I have acid reflux.
My biggest regret in life is that I didn't spend those 2 years snorting a mountain of cocaine instead. If

Spartacus, eh? Any male nudity in Banshee?

No no I meant season 3, I haven't seen the movie yet.
I never got the Logan love either, just because his family is terrible doesn't excuse him setting houses on fire, or shacking up with Dick, who roofied a bunch of girls at a party and encouraged his brother to molest Veronica.
Man there was a lot of rape in that

Strange, I remember reading an interview where he said he used a prosthetic. Although, in that same interview he also implied that Julia and Eric Roberts used to bang, so he's probably not a trustworthy source of information.

Yeah, I could go for the "obvious joke" and call you a virgin, but I'm not 13, so.

"Bitch switch". Ok.

I mean, it was pretty heavily implied.

It's true, women who pretend to suck off guys you don't like are damaged forever and deserve to fail professionally.

Maybe I need to rewatch it, all I remember is hating everything except Paul Rudd and that

They both have great eyebrows and hang out in space…

If they ever make a Jane's Addiction biopic, Nestor Carbonell should be cast as Perry Farrell.

You can skip season 3, just read the short episode summaries on wikipedia.
Except for the Paul Rudd episode, that one's pretty good.

Oh boy, Chekhov's Box. I don't remember much about Felicity, but I remember the box.

…she was??