Magical Drama Queen Roxy

Gotta pay the Hodor toll
If you want to see the Hodor hole.

Your moment of vulnerabilty inexplicably makes me want to reward you with sex.

You know nothing about women.
We eat warm foods when we're menstruating.

Oh please, you watch a show about Alzheimer's and nuclear disasters and lemon people eating each other's faces every monday night. You can handle a little field mouse-on-princess violence.

No I bought Singing Bones because it has the TD theme song on it, and their first record, Odessa. Do you recommend the Schuba thing? I'm usually not that crazy about live albums…

Beautiful Darkness is incredible.
Maybe I'm overthinking it and it's just supposed to be a weird fairy tale, but the first time I read it, I got the impression that all the little characters were manifestations of the dead girl's various character traits: The super shy girl, the baby that needs protection, the

It's a shame you guys didn't review the Bachelor season finale, because the "After The Final Rose" special was a beautiful, beautiful trainwreck and made me fall in love with Chris Harrison. He was on fire!
My favorite moment was when he threw to commercial after the incredibly uncomfortable interview with Juan-Pablo

Quick, someone get a mirror and put it in front of What's On Tonight!

I bought 2 of their records after watching the pilot. How did I not know about them before this show??

You're the Michael Jordan of being a commenter.

3 words: Corkscrew duck genitals.

Since when is murdering mummies and Frankensteins and vampires a crime, you city slicker??

*heavy breathing* A little something for mommy… *unintelligible mumbling*

I refuse to believe that that movie exists. WHM are trolling us. HAHAHA NICE TRY GUYS.

Yeah I think she just overheard a bunch of Marty's fucked-up stories from work when she was way too young. Remember when Rust came over for dinner and started talking about how his daughter died, and the kids were right there, silently staring at him and Maggie? Somehow I doubt that was the first time they'd heard

*stares sadly at the wall while felonius sobs in front of his TV*

Marty found religion for a while, and it didn't help him change or improve his life and outlook. I don't think the show is telling us that becoming religious or spiritual is the answer when life gets you down.
It tells us that becoming spiritual might be the answer for this particular guy who has been having

Oh look, judgmental holier-than-thou hypocrite vs. philandering asshole.


It's not true love if you have to ask this question.