"The Torture Droid is also my penis."
"The Torture Droid is also my penis."
What "owing" are you talking about? Nobody "owed" me anything, nor did i imply otherwise. It still sucks. I wasn't cheated of something i deserved. But nevertheless, it sucked, and i am expressing my opinion.
Neither does Alec, to be fair. Invariably, the stronger Alec subsumes the weaker one immediately after mitosis. It's counterproductive, but it holds meaning for him/them. Some kind of ritual of Renewal and the establishment of the Greater Collective over base Randian capitalism.
…and i thought i was already familiar with that bear which was topmost in bloop.
The AV Club
People who tactlessly note that perhaps some people are a little short to be a Stormtrooper.
"Steroids" is a simplistic and reductionist reply in the face of all the research that went into the life-extension hormones and organ replacement to be enjoyed by One-Percenter Christian Transhumanists such as our Mr. Sorbo. So, a little respect.
I split the difference, and was happy for the odd Ensign Ro pop-up.
…did he say he was impeded? He did not.
* laughter *
When Anakin killed all the Jedi in one fell swoop, he really boned it, didn''t he? There are Paduwan and Jedi Masters littered across the Galaxy.
Clearly. Can't you read people?
…and it was the colour of the year in 1523 London. Simply everything was either painted rodentine, or was naturally so, like the rats.
Best part: that the best plan the execs had to raise ratings was to assume that there was a word-of-mouth network of boys whispering feverishly that "Erin on Silver Spoons was bra-less the last two episodes, let's see about next week".
And SPECTRE should be FUCKTRE, of course.
You're not not-caring hard enough.
No, they call it 'money' because it originally came from the mint at the temple of Juno at Moneta. Which suggests that while money might indeed be the root of evil, the root of money might be Civilian Population Control. The Lawful disease.
That's a less-fun speculation. I prefer Ricky's fun fact.
…avoiding making the comment would've given you +10XP
That's why Ricky's house has a sub-sub-basement.