
Cheer Up Commissioner
I actually want to visit Baltimore because of The Wire (and John Waters movies). sure, it looks like a shitty place, but so does every other major city in America

thats better than having an ex who looks like Chad Kroeger. I hope dude goes into detail on the awfulness of the song "Rock Star" next time. It may be the Nickelback douches worst song they have ever written. Thats saying something

that sounds pretty bad actually. like Van Hagar minus the Van. satriani is good but nowhere near as fun to listen to as Ed

whats a VHS?

the above mentioned Republican FratBoy scenario aside, Sublime deepened my appreciation for hippie music and hip-hop at a time when i was an indie rock snob. (not saying Sublime got me into hip-hop).. I liked their playfullness and ability to mash up genres. then again, I was also very stoned in 1997. maybe the haters

hhahhahahaha. gross. i did a spit take. i guess i should point out that i wanted to murder and eat the rooster Dr. Freud

dig the drum intro to "Angry Chair"!

i remember great albums by Gomez, Built To Spill, Tom Waits, Chemical Brothers and Flaming Lips in 1999, but yeah, 1999 was ruled by some moron with a red baseball cap from what i remember

my sister has a rooster for a neighbor. i stayed there once and wanted to eat it so bad

Godsmack the Alice In Chains song is awesome. Pretty fucked up in the best way possible. The vocal harmonies are insane. Godsmack the band is a pile of poo

i was obsessed with Superchunk in 1995-96. Emo before emo was a word. All of the "emo" shit that came out after that i couldnt get into (Promise Ring, Get Up KIds, Jimmy Eat World etc..) kind of ruined them for me. I hadnt listened to them much in the past ten years or so. But the new record is great and

i dont find their stuff to be too terrible compared to their contemporaries Whitesnake, Def Leppard, Warrant etc….

its poopy, but it fits with the flow of the album methinks

but it does fit with the albums theme of stuff that drives people insane. but ya, its too funky

i think it fits with the albums flow. its pretentious bullshit. but its Radiohead, so it must be expected

i concur. Use Your Illusions are over-produced and ridiculous, but I always felt that was part of their charm but "My World" sucks in ways i never thought possible. "Get In The Ring" is pretty stupid too, but it still works as part of the paranoid, over indulgence that is the Use Your Illusions

Vampire Weekend
i know all you hipsters who claim to hate hipsters will probably just say VW sucks all of the time…but i found their debut to be flawless. Just a bunch of crazy fun tunes about shit i know nothing about…but "One (Blakes Got a New Face)" is a ginat peice of doo doo in the caviar (yes, that metaphor does

I totally dug the Beck Record Club doing INXS "KICK"…never really dug that album. Kinda had cheesy production that took away from some pretty good tunes. So Becka nd his weird friends doing it kinda made me appreciate it more. but i like Arcade Fire, so what do I know?

i like Van Halen and Arcade Fire. I'm going to hell

I finally got to see one of my favorites WEEN a few years ago at Lollapalooza. I didnt know what to expect…a 30 minute version of "Poop Ship Destroyer"?, a country set?, prog rock fog machine excess? . What i got was a greatest hits show. Sang along, shakin my ass like a total doofus to "hit" after "hit".