
THE WALKMEN are the best cover band on the planet
sure, they are sloppy and the singer sounds wasted but i can dig it. They did some Leonard Cohen and Royal Trus covers for Daytrotter a couple years ago and Pussycats was a good time. Keep em coming Walkmen!

I was a huge Nirvana freak as a senior in high school in 1994. i was at play practice and my hot ex girlfriend who i was still madly pining for told me. Then i had to work at Hardee's for the entire weekend. Talk about depressing. after work I went out and bought a badly recorded and overpriced import

Pavement ist Rad!
ive done extensive reseach on this battle and the scientific conclusion is that Pavement made great albums and the Smashing Pumpkins only had a handful of songs worth listening to. Stephen Malkmus is no Mariah Carey in the voice department, but i get it. Billy Corgan on the other hand has the most

Southland Tales, while a fucked up beautiful ugly mess movie, had a memorable soundtrack. If only for the insane use of the Killers dorky masterpeice "All these things I've Done"

wow you geeks covered all of the greats. Singles, Trainspotting, Clueless, and wow…Beautiful Girls. I was a huge Afghan Whigs and that soundtrack was the first thing that got me into the old soul sounds(and it has teh most heartbreaking Ween tune since "Baby Bitch". Movie soundtracks are just as important

I like this honest assessment of Big Star. The people who busted this dudes balls for liking shitty music when he was young. Not cool. I suppose you listened to Serge Gainsbourg, Lee Perry and Brian Eno when you were in Jr. high. Not Me. Guns and Fucking Roses maaaaaan.

The Onion article "stop turning my books into shitty movies" sums it all up so well

Return of the KIng
has anyone mentioned Return of the KIng. I loved these movies, but i felt the third movie dragged on on on and on and on at the end. Im also an illitterate who didnt read the books, but i felt they should have tightened it up a bit in the end

Greatest Time Machine ever? the one Kip Dynamite buys online from a guy in Florida> Im sure it would have worked if they tried harder