
Joffrey/Margeary wedding for season 4 opener?

i just listened to the new record and it is quite excellent, though it can be a little "daunting" to the uninitiated. Its a perfect mix of weird and accessible (just like Rated R and Songs for the Deaf)

1993: coming home from Thanksgiving dinner with the family. Our aunt was dying of cancer. "Heart Shaped Box" by Nirvana came on radio. "I wish i could eat your cancer when you turn black…" my Mom got pissed and turned off the sang. I got pissed back. "It's poetic Mom!, not offensive! lighten up!"… "Well it offends

1993: coming home from Thanksgiving dinner with the family. Our aunt was dying of cancer. "Heart Shaped Box" by Nirvana came on radio. "I wish i could eat your cancer when you turn black…" my Mom got pissed and turned off the sang. I got pissed back. "It's poetic Mom!, not offensive! lighten up!"… "Well it offends

my theory is that there was a time lapse and Rick stood there crying and screaming "noooooooooooooo" for an hour or so. enough time for Carl to walk over, a bunch of zombies to hear him, and enough time for Shane to zombify. otherwise they gots some 'splaining to do

started Friday Night Lights. lost sleep

i pretty much agree with this. They are a great band. So is Wild Flag. Nickelback shouldnt even be considered rock music. I know a lot of people who hate rock music (they like that stuff that passes for country nowadays), but they like Nickelback. In fact I think Nickelback (and Hinder, Seether, Staind etc etc)…should

Classic Rock DJ concurs 100%

maybe the dad was Roger Deakins


somebody said Ike Reilley and i concur. He's a great lyricist and seems to know his rock and roll history. see "Valentine's Day in Juarez", "Hip-Hop Thighs", "Angels and Whores", "Duty Free". He's no Nickelback, but he's still pretty damn good

i dug a song called "Midnight Struck"-it was a Black Crowesy power ballad complete with gospel singers. i think.

In the Navy
I wasnt supposed to wear headphones when i was stationed on a ship in the NAVY. just in case the shit went down i would be able to hear it. THink i gave a shit (i served under Clinton so there werent as many wars). Hell No. Cassette Walkmans were ok but i do not miss the battery sucking Discmans at all.

Typical Malkmus
i love the Malkmus just shrugged it off. Many a rock star would have gotten all idealistic and stubborn. Not SM. "Not worth the hassle". Keep on rockin' in the free world don't stop beleivin'

OK. now go away
Sublime had some great stuff in their day. Yes, some of their fanbase were intolerable tools. Brad Nowell was eclectic enough (drawing from punk, reggae, folk etc…) to get my attention. They had some downright stupid stuff, but some of it was pretty awesome. I have no desire to hear this version.

Clint Eastwood
the place I go to doesn't have "Shimy Shimy Ya" or "Got Yo' Money" so I like to do "Clint Eastwood" by Gorillaz. Its perfect for my unhinged rapper/fey British dandy vocal stylings

i concur. in the late 80s and early 90s when Motley Crue and GnR were ruling the world i got shit from my metalhead friends for listening to "fag" music like Chilli Peppers, Faith No More and REM (duh). im proud to say my musical taste has gotten even "gayer" since (this continues today, i am music director for a

not as bad a si thought they were at the time
i work for a Modern Rock station. i host a 90s show everyday.i'm finding that Korn doesnt suck as bad as i thought at the time. Limp Bizkit sounds even worse however. I am thankful that the nu metal scene thingy gave us System of a Down. they are a hoot

youre right. they are mediocre mainstream butt rock

and it keeps getting worse