
Brown for first course, white for pudding. Brown is savoury, white's the treat. Of course I'm the one who's laughing because I actually love brown toast

Was anyone else reminded of It's Always Sunny by this?
Dee: You're saying that your life is so terrible because you eat rat cheese and cat food and huff glue all day long?Charlie: Uh, yeah.Dee: Those aren't real problems, Charlie.Charlie: What do you mean they're not real problems?Dee: You make those problems up! You

I'm not an actor, but I'd probably say "aww, fuck it" too and OD on pills and wine like Jim's parents in 28 days.

Merry F's-mas, everybody!

I profoundly regret watching season 4.5. Way to clutch defeat from the hands of victory, Ronald D. Moore

This whole thing kind of reminds of what happened with eMusic when they kept getting lamer and lamer. A lot of people whined about it, and some people (like me) stopped using the service, but as far as I can tell the people at eMusic are sleeping soundly on their piles of money.

I had no idea he was a Scientologist. As much as I enjoy mocking people's beliefs, Scientology is truly the "Down Syndrome baby" of religions. I mean, I still mock it, but I feel bad about it later.

Masterplan and Matador are really, really good. After listening through a few times, I mostly just skip the rest of the album now.

@Mrs. Peel

Fucking Phag - You have incorrectly used the word "your" to mean the contraction "you are." It's an easy mistake to make.

SarCCastro, you're thinking of Thom Yorke. It's an easy mistake to make.

Tarantino plays his guitar too loud, and that's what's upsetting the birds.

I haven't used Hulu since they got rid of the Daily Show/Colbert
So I don't really feel anything about Hulu now.


Am I the first person to not care about this?

you lost me at:
"who's brought over some of the electro-pop and Auto-Tune heard on his excellent Discovery side project."

I guess I'm just not indie enough
I thought District 9 was amazing, and I was personally insulted by how terrible Where the Wild Things Are.

Wow, he doesn't seem crazy at all
Given how children thrust onto the national stage usually seem to turn out, Zac Hanson seems pretty normal. I'm surprised he's not another MJ.

Hulu is doing this all backwards
Start with a fee, but offer free trials, like 3 or 6 months. Then people will feel they're getting a good deal and won't feel bad about paying money later.

I didn't notice until you pointed it out, but I agree. It rang false with me too.