
I disagree. Dinosaur Comics is occasionally brilliant.

Are those comics supposed to be maladroit and lacking insight?

Alda is my third favorite Alan.

Wouldn't children presumably be well acquainted with tits? I mean, since they latched onto them for so long?

I think you mean "Bring back Januterriers!"

Oh yeah? I was into them before they existed! I'm surprised no one has mentioned Tarkio yet.

Outtakes are cut from the final version for good reasons, because of time constraints, or pacing, or lack of quality. Bottom line is they weren't "good enough" in the band's eyes to make it onto the record. Bands make albums for fans, and release outtakes and rarities for fanboys.

What are you, new?

Listen to it if you like the Decemberists. Don't listen to it if you don't. I can't think of a Decemberist album I've enjoyed less than this one, except maybe their "5 songs" EP. Pretty sure outtake EPs are only intended for fanboys, but correct me if I'm wrong.

I'm gonna need some examples of bands that aren't smug, pretentious, and difficult to listen to before I form an opinion of your opinion.

I think I just failed a Rorschach test.

Wasn't Mandy Patinkin in that?

You're assuming incompetence on the part of the aliens' recon team. So they can invent giant space ships to travel across the galaxy but can't do the due diligence to find out that the earf has air and modify their ships accordingly?

Soldiers from Hesse-Kassel who fought in the Revolutionary War weren't really mercenaries. The British paid their princes for their use, but they were regular, professional soldiers.

Are you claiming to be some sort of bait-master?

I agree Rockin' was a good album. I also agree when his lyrics are on, they're really on. When they're off, they're pretty far off the mark for me, whereas his composition is consistently great.

I like guitars because they're all chumma-chumma-CRUNCH!

The first season is not as bad as everyone makes it out to be. There was really only one episode that had too much intense staring.

I would watch the shit out of that.

I kinda like Snow Patrol sometimes. Can we be friends?