
That sounds about right. I'm still waiting for the Kenyan Socialist to give me all of Steve Doocy's money. Should be any day now.

As long as his tongue is operational, I don't see what the problem is.

I thought the a-capella thing was made because Ben Folds honestly loves a-capella music. Does self-parody require awareness of said parody?

I haven't listened to Biography in a while. I remember liking Mess and Regrets, and Army was pretty catchy. Maybe I'll listen to that again today.

Dumas' work has suffered from poor English translations. Some of the newer versions are actually pretty good reads.

Just the ones who beat their wives for leaving the house. I'm sure there are some cool Saudis.

Not "entirely" uninteresting. It's slightly more compelling than, say, the inexorable march of time, although they're equally grim.

Whatever and Ever Amen hit the sweet spot for me, in terms of concept, execution, and level of snark/sentiment. "Biography" was more interesting, "Rockin'" had some great songs, but didn't work as well as an album, and the solo stuff he's done has been a bit too bitter and reductive. "Lonely Avenue" was good. I think

I thought his rendition of "Common People" was unbearable, but "It hasn't happened yet" was great, as was the track he did on Fear of Pop vol. 1, "In Love."

I'm terribly afraid of credit cards and rejection. Applying for them sounds awful.

3.5% is the APY, so I don't get 3.5% every month, it's more like 0.3% each month. The last "savings" account I had at a big bank I was getting 0.25% APY, or about 0.02% per month. Still, getting $6 a month for letting someone hold my money is pretty cool.

I use a locally grown, organic bank and get 3.5% interest on my checking account if I have 15 debit card transactions per month. If you're good at math and want to figure out / laugh at how little money I have, I get about $6-7 in interest each month.

Dawes is pretty much "the Silence." If you look at them, you're completely captivated, but you forget about them the second you look away.

I'm pretty sure Batman would win.

I watched Scott Pilgrim at the recommendation of my coworker, who thought it was the greatest movie ever. He was crushed when I told him it was "ok." It was fine, but not compelling or interesting. I had a hard time giving a shit about anyone in it. But, when it was over, I didn't feel like I had wasted my time. I

You should fire your HR guy then. Slaves are pretty capital intensive, whereas interns are free.

I thought "fucking grating" was just part of her resume. Do actors have resumes, or do they just have friends that make movies to put them in?

I don't believe sociology majors have the skills necessary to build a fence of any merit.