
Cape Fear?
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels?
Casino Royale?

"The Short Game," a documentary about the world's best junior golfers told from the kids' perspective. Just captures the joy of being a kid, the joy of golf, and how amazing the world is when you let kids be kids and tell their story…

“Michael Myers is not a character,” he said. “He’s not a person. He’s a force of nature. He’s one part human and one part supernatural.” - JC.

I don't think Hollywood would be dumb enough to remake "Caddyshack" probably because there should never be another Carl Spackler (Bill Murray), Ty Webb (Chevy Chase), or Judge Elihu Smails (Ted Knight). All three are so absolutely perfect in those roles.

Is it only me that thinks this show was ten times better when Jess wasn't on the show? Now that she's back, it seems that any momentum this season came to a screeching halt…

We can only hope it is Moriarty. As much as I like this show, it was at its absolute best when Moriarty was featured. Hopefully, the writers are only lulling us to sleep before a big reveal.

B+??!! Craig Robinson kills it as Doug Judy. This episode was hilarious and saved a rather mediocre night given the surprisingly bad episodes of "New Girl" and "Grandfathered."

I may get flamed for this but Mad Max wouldn't even make my top 10 this year. It seemed to drag a bit with similar action sets repeated throughout - as unbelievably awesome and bonkers as those action scenes were. Add that I wasn't invested in any character and well…

That would be amazing.

The Golden Compass - Alex Garland (Ex Machina, writer on Dredd, Sunshine, and 28 Days Later).

A severed foot is the ultimate stocking stuffer.

Both Prince of Darkness and They Live were after Big Trouble. See those two movies, watch In the Mouth of Madness only to recognize Carpenter's decline, and then, as gogiggs suggests, pretend Carpenter died.

Although not horror in the "scary" sense, I think "Zombieland" and "Slither" should be mentioned - whether as part of this list or as shout outs to great horror-comedies.

I would agree about the original "Saw." The sequels and the ridiculous number of torture-porn films released after "Saw" make it easy to forget that the first movie isn't that bad. It is at least better than "Wolf Creek," a movie that was okay, IMO, but nothing memorable.

How are Rob Zombie's "Halloween" and "Halloween II" not here??!! They are clearly SO MUCH BETTER than Carpenter's boring snooze fest. They are, like, the best horror movies and should be top of this list!! - said no one ever.

It has to be Frances Bean. She inherited the rights to Kurt's name and likeness in 2012. Courtney Love has no right to that money.

If Morgan and The Buy More make an appearance, I'm in.

Love these guys and saw them several times in their sweet spot ('96 to '02). For live performances, I really like "Carry the Zero," "I Would Hurt a Fly," "Stab," and "Strange." My favorite BTS song, however, is "You Are." My understanding is it has only been played once live, unfortunately.

We cannot forget James Dalton (Patrick Swayze) from "Road House." He does tai-chi, he studies philosophy, and his mantra is pure masculinity: "Be nice until it's not time to be nice." Also, he can rip a dude's throat out with his bare hands which, as I understand it, is the minimum requirement to be a man…

I feel like this show is losing its way. Is it a hangout comedy? Do the characters have arcs or just Jess? With the lack of focus, not only are the episodes a frustrating - albeit funny - mess, the characters are more buffoonish than ever. (Yes, I just used the word buffoonish. I feel old.)