
China calling in their loans?

Can Al Gore now please go back to his mansion and eat his lobsters?

When did the White House attain such clown car status?

That's what you get for not Hailing to the Chimp

Why is she still a celebrity?

so true, I took 1/4 oz to a midnight screening.

that's a relief. I've been awfully lonely lately

…and the cosmic ballet goes on…

They're the heroes Americans need right now

They've got some nerve telling anyone how to dress

Not really, but if you are planning to sneak into Canada pronounce Toronto - Tarronno

Botox Test Subject

Good idea, If Hollywood is smart they'll re-release "The Caine Mutiny" and "Gaslight" on Bluray in a couple days

in his defense he was probably super coked up

I bet Mooch is hoping he didn't record the twin hookers in the background

You figure a press officer should know what reporters get up to

There was nothing dry about Ford. He's sweating on angels now.

"The Mist may just be the most illogical series on TV right now"

yeah, how about that part where he said Bannon sucks his own dick. That shit was effed up

was he the stupid one? I bet he was the stupid one