
If anyone at NBC is reading this (or having it read TO them) here is my pitch.

And he did it while doing a shitty version of "love the one you're with" on said accordion.

And I was trying to distract myself from your Fassboner post

The slogan "WE COMEDY" proves that you can "dumb things down" too far

It's my personal term for when a sexyman arouses me

Maybe he invents a new game called "Garbage Football"

But first the Tranya, I hope you relish it as much as I

I know he seems a bit odd/eccentric/batshit crazy in real life, but Tom Cruise has never failed to entertain me in a movie.

He gives me a shame-boner

Yep, 'twas Fox

No Download of Freebird?!??!

How'd that Broadchurch remake work out for you FOX?

After all her time on The Office, I thought Jenna Fischer would want to branch out into roles where she doesn't have to sit down so much.

Did they record one of the stage shows?

CKCO!! thanks, I had forgotten those sweet, sweet ID letters

Ridley Scott? no thanks.

Can we look forward to movies about unsold tube socks coming to life and having orgies?

Thanks Internet, now do a cut with only the superfluous stuff. It'll be as if the Hobbit movies were directed by Joe Swanberg

Is Josh Gad supposed to be funny?

Or "Agri-News" from that channel in Kitchener.