
Ahhh TV, let us all bask in it's warm and glowing warming glow

I have way too many, but these are a few I use in my daily life quite a bit…

Zut Alors.

and Kristen Bell as the dull one!!

Hey Internet, it's not a real spaceship. It's a few sets and what-not

has he ever made moves on your girl?

Don't kid yourself people, if Rick Springfield's butt had the chance it would disorient you and everyone you care about

I'm with you, but Nancy Grace reacting to things that bug regular, rational people? Won't happen

I do like 2 Chainz Grandma sweater and shades combo though, looks comfy

I think she'd be all like

She's human? Man, I gotta start paying attention to stuff.

She over enunciates because her hair helmet makes it hard to hear. Could explain all the yelling too

I wonder if she'll go after WatchMojo for making terrible list videos that cause "eye-roll related detached retinas" next

or a quiet, reflective one.

I wonder what she'd be like on pot?

Nancy Grace, is there anything she can't do?

The 80's were that trope's development period.

I checked with the TV Trope union & you can't join until you send a video where you take off your glasses and shake your hair out in slow-motion.

and always twirling towards freedom

Once they added the TV trope of "Nerdy computer gal who is actually a really hot girl with glasses and slightly messy hair" I tuned out.