
The Good Guys rocked.

2015 - Another year of remakes followed by analysts wondering why no-one is going to see them.

How low is the bar set for these "Great Job Internet" things?

Meh, anyone involved in the Oscars deserves what they get

Such a brave performance by a truly brave actress

"Rude and cocky" would be a step up from "boring to the point of translucence"

"Her relentless positivity is actually kind of annoying."

Have you done Bruce Davidson?

His was the only bit I remember from the movie Punchline.

Fluh, like in the future America will have enough money to buy Greenland

Ellen Degeneres proved that the gays can be just as dull and white and unfunny as the straights

You crow about that all the time!!

On the poster for Cake it could say

Maybe because Americo-Australianian relations are at an all-time low?

That "Gayest Production" category would finally be a reason for me to watch the Emmys. American Horror Story would be in there I think.

Wow, remaking a Godard film with a DOP at the helm is a bit of an insult.

The Oscars are bullshit, they're not based on merit but connections/marketing so they're really meaningless as an award.

In a couple years "What is Supergirl" will be a good answer in the Jeopardy category "Rhymes with Ancelled"

Up and let's go.

The only thing of his I really liked was the first season of "An Idiot Abroad"