
I think Smith liked the world better when "Indie" movies got a pass from critics because they were "Edgy" and other marketing buzzwords. Now that people have come to the conclusion that independent films can be just as shitty as studio films the softball reviews have ended, and it doesn't mesh with (what I assume from

with their +2 Bongs of Holding

Like wedgies bullied, or just professionally bullied?

I don't think he's ever going to be a "Hollywood" director, stomping around and shit, he seems like a pretty good dude so maybe large egos just start pushing him around

I watched it, and I doubt "respect for him as a director" would have magically re-written the script

This is why you should come to the AV Club rehearsal more often.

I wonder what the stuntman said during "Cop Out"?

"…and our wads on several background "actresses"!!"

HEY, I'm trying to eat lunch here…

this is really shaking up my world view


I love that about me too

and a shit-ton more adorkabullshit

When you're the Jizzmaster General (and you're morbidly obese, pockmarked and disgusting) you need a large pool to hold the tears of the thousands of young naive starlets you've defiled.

He discovered that new meal between breakfast and brunch

Winstead is a whole other class of Cool-hipster Girl. Deschanel isn't even in her league man.


"I can't believe we spaced on the date…"

Tusk 3 - Mammoth Time

Oh great, a theater full of stupid stoners who are also mooches.