Crackers the Dog who is a Geni

Rise up and fight the evil of Username Trunca

Spoiler Alert please!!  Jeeze.

For the love of God, Newswire above Video, or Video above Newswire, make up your mind and keep it that way!

Reason #83 that a  lot of movies suck: Hollywood films often have more like 12-18 writers take a pass at a script.  Writers' guild rules (or arbitration) assign the final credits, and prevent more than 5 from being credited.

No matter the permissions needed or age of consent where you are or where you were married, it is generally legal to fuck your spouse.

I have flagged an inappropriate post due to the user's avatar in this thread - can anyone spot it?  Or maybe explain to me what the fuck it's supposed to be and why it's OK or not OK?

Only because it's your serious issue.  I didn't see you jumping all over any CancerAIDS jokes. I think those are things that have also caused some hardships in people's lives.

Hey, that's a speciesist expression that my people have worked… tirelessly to wean you humans off of.  Flagged.

I think a lot of avatars have unfortunately changed  dimensions and look squashed.  My tongue used to be longer.

Hey, it used to be a little flag - now it's the word FLAG.  I guess we weren't smart enough to figure out the iconography, and were probably clicking on the little flag because it was cute.

I feel your pai

Aaaaaah!!  Name Truncation is the worst feature of all these new comment changes.

Like a jabroni!

I can report that it was not felt in Los Angeles.  I'M HELPING!

This is not Vietnam (which is overrun with Communists and unregistered posters), Juanito, there are rules!  

Wow, I thought it was just me.

This study is fatally flawed because Kevin Costner is the Russian spy most internet citizens are more concerned with spoilers for movies. Who the fuck reads Agatha Christie short stories?

The physical album is out August 30, but you can download for $8 at iTunes now.

Do they give a Nobel prize for attempted chemistry? Do they?