Crackers the Dog who is a Geni


All these years later and we still remember his name. Most famous dead "touring keyboardist" ever.

Calvin kneeling before the cross always makes me think "Because if there's one thing to take away from the teachings of Jesus, it's 'Blessed are the copyright infringers!' "

Sophie's World is a lot more entertaining and teaches the bare-bones of about 100 different philosophical schools instead of just one for selfish fantasists.

I was going to venture that the contracts and marketing materials were done many months ago, if not a year or two, but the film's official site is distinctly Pennless.

Is it true Montagues need extra-wide scabbards for their mammoth rapiers, or is that just a myth?

Add several scenes of people giving Katniss fabulous/life-saving presents, and descriptions of starving people enjoying sumptuous meals. Trilogy finished.

STRAINS CREDULITY should be the name of this fucking show.

Naiads are always wet.

Wikipedia: "Sagittaria is a genus of about 30 species of aquatic plants whose members go by a variety of common names, including arrowhead, duck potato, iz-ze-kn, katniss…"

Yeah, like the guy in the $6,00o suit is going to explain to you all why there's a 54-year old rapper in the video? COME ON!

"This love has taken its toll on… THE BROKEN NECKS OF THE WORKING CLASS!! RISE UP!

Will it be called COMMUNITY SUCKS?

AV Club Commenter Guideline Upheld - Never read the one-paragraph newswire article, just rush to make your own joke that's already been made in it!

You know what's weird? Take a walk around the grimy parts of Hollywood, where all the cover models of the free gay sex classifieds look EXACTLY like him.

SEASONS, you delightful limey bastard! Cheerio! Please sir, may I have some more?

Maybe we can CHANG this guy's mind!



Another thumbs-up for Commander Shepard gimmick. (Not Shepherd - that's an actual word, but it's Shepard, so you always look at it funny and think it must be spelled wrong.)