Crackers the Dog who is a Geni

As a child I had big dreams of having my HQ in a letterbox.

They used to do them live, but it was a terrible strain on the animators' wrists.

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Really mild, nonspecific approval here JamezKunz.

What a fun, sexy movie that was.

I think you mean "anatomically correct".

Or Ryan Murphy.

Everything's coming up Milhouse!

NASA press conference:

Kids, you tried and failed.  The lesson is… never try.

Bravo, sir.  This is the most "likes" I have noticed encrusted on a comment, and they are well-deserved.

I think it was "share flesh with", which is slightly more artful (and adds a second meaning) for that line in the Official Werewolf Breakup Poem.

I also rewound it - thinking he said "abjure" but still couldn't hear it clearly.

I'd like to see someone edit together a YouTube clip that presents Breaking Bad as the hijinks-riddled story of the staff of a colorful fast-food joint with a reserved, meticulous boss, and a few of its wacky customers.

Happy anniversary of laying there doing jack shit wile your mom worked as hard as she ever has and exhausted every muscle trying to bring you into this world.  I bet you cried too.  Baby.

He most definitely said "thang".

Yeah, Christ.  The sex scene in "Previously On True Blood" should not make me think of contract clauses.  But that's all I can think about during the least sexy topless back-arch from cowgirl position ever.

A wizard did it.

This comment has been removed for referencing a removed comment.  Trust us, it's better this way.

Does that mean "guy who scoops out eyeballs with a spoon"?