Crackers the Dog who is a Geni

Good album for the devoted. Terrible (hurled away with force, vehement curses) gateway for the newbie.

It's a Buy Eventually for me and not a Buy Immediately, but "Cry Cry Cry" is great.

Go all James Murphy on that shit.

Dry has some great tunes and still holds up. Rid of Me has some WTF moments but also some goodamn' rocking and thundering wails.

Ze goggles, zey do nussing!!

I watched "Buffy The Vampire Slayer", the Kristy Swanson original from 1993. Some good lines, but it's hokey and not that well executed. Kind of a miracle that such a successful series was spawned from its corpse. One of the rich-bitch Valley girl hangers-on is Hilary Swank! You can't help watching her get knocked


I like how it used the actual copyrighted music from At The Movies, as if they live in a land without lawyers, ABC, or composers who should be paid for their work!

…What? Sorry, I was still thinking about Whore Island.


Because it was Weeds, and terrible execution of semi-decent concepts is what they do there.

"The difference between this and something like Rubicon is it's a lot easier to follow."

I don't know that Winter's Bone is even really a movie. it's just some shots of a girl wandering around and being told of things that happened off-screen and really, even before the film started.


I agree with Shrike - her face is a little off. She's OK. She's not uber-hot.

Electric pianola pre-programmed music perforated paper!!

Clearly the moral of the story is: forced abortions for actresses.

Nah, it wasn't that good.

Normally I'm a discerning connoisseur of TV quality, (insert The Wire and Firefly bona fides here), but every once in a while I get attached to a sitcom that is likely to be sub-par (by which I mean 1000x better than 2.5 Men, but not in the same league as Arrested Development) and just enjoy it for the pretty funny,

Failed eighthsies and sevethsies, in that order.