Crackers the Dog who is a Geni

Who will mourn for the dog? Is there a detective assigned to his murder? No! Another speciesist show from the evil BBC executives!

Obama is an articulated black man. This is fact.

I'm given to understand that this is an environment where AlainChristian feels free to fail.

It's been 20 years, but that fucking suck-ass Electronic song
is still worse than anything Morrissey ever did.

It's 2010, get a DVR

Smooth, Hef. Now we all know you can't afford HBO because A) there are no commercials and B) there are boobs in the opening credits.

Secondsies approved, ma cherie.

Now make it say "Alu-minny-yum"!

Senor, I salute you. I also am an old because I text in full sentences.

I suppose your point might be "That's a job. A fairly useless job of asking questions and waving to cars that people are paid to do every day that serves little function in today's society."?

Actually, in passenger cars at least, it's been years since they've asked. They just wave you on through unless you have strawberries spilling out of your exhaust pipe.

Failed Jenna Von Oy-sies.

Seconding Rad Pitt - they are real, and they hang that way naturally. Not every woman with big boobs has implants.

I like the video with all the record album covers though. Some graphic design firm really outdid themselves for a song that didn't quite deserve a video that neat.

Is it wrong that I masturbated to the pictures of a cut and bleeding Tila Tequila?

I can't wait for the Very Special Episode where a drunken miner, despondent over the widening gulf between China's ultra-rich capitalists and its vast population of working poor, starting to question whether the Glorious Communist Kingdom he's been indoctrinated in since he was an infant is really just a giant boot…


Nope, it was the daughters' idea, and they wanted to (and both did) get knocked up by Daddy.

Does this friend perchance have a huge head?

Yuo Maed A Typo
"Mr. Norton talent, tireless work ethic and professional integrity deserve more respect…"