kings of neon

I'm on team @avclub-1922cc1dc1286b56a2d99b7f1aa0630c:disqus .  I'm really annoyed by these people who think that we want to read every single thought that they have about a single episode in one comment.  That's the whole point of having different threads.  I think that tl;dr sums up this

HBO was quick to point out that it used the same horse on every episode of Sex and the City for like 12 seasons, and it's still alive.

I'm with @Scrawler2:disqus  , I don't get people who have to "like the characters" to enjoy the show.

eh, @Scrawler2:disqus  I don't care about his opinions on DC,  I just really don't like that guy.  He has pretty much ruined the Game of Thrones comment boards with his rampant douchebaggary.

Glad you don't like DC, that way I'll never bump into you socially.

Listen, I've been to a lot of cities in the US and I'll pit the attractiveness of the 'normal' people in DC against those in your city any day of the week.  It's just our famous people who are ugly.

The winter (except for this last one) also really sucks around here too if you ask me.  Since I'm too lazy to move I realized that I can't hate both seasons since we only get like 1 week of spring and 3 weeks of fall, so I decided to love and embrace the summer with the sweating and pervasive hot-garbage smell and

I'm honestly amazed that anyone watches this show hoping for character development.

Well, yeah.  GoT might be the best thing on HBO, but far from the only thing worth watching.

I don't think the motivation for his post has anything to do with South Park, truthfully.  I think he's just still bitter about the time Nickelback banged his girlfriend.

Wow, that's interesting you still watch the show not being a Cartman fan.  I would guess conservatively that about 40% of South Park episodes could be categorized as being Carman-centric.

The album doesn't quite live up to that song, but it's still definitely worth a listen.

I was really excited for this based on the first two singles.  I've been listening to the record for a few weeks now and my verdict is about half of it is amazing and the rest is quite good.  The darker/slower songs tend to be stronger than the more upbeat ones.

Yeah, I tend to think that Theon and Cersi are the best characters, in spite of, or perhaps because of the fact that they're horrible people.  There's so much richness in the character development, justifying how they each became so damaged and misguided.

House Tampons:  "We Do Not Flow"

It's a Japanese game show.  You win or you die.

Yeah, they're like Arcade Fire for people who think Arcade Fire are too punk and 'urban'.

This show is not "about sports", thank god

Do you also cry every time you drive by a McDonalds? Or any non-vegan restaurant for that matter?  Oh what, it's different because we're eating them after we torture and kill them?  Why yes, I suppose you're right.  God bless the noble food industry, if they weren't there to put the burger on Joe American's plate

I agree with what you're saying.  My point is that no one really talks about how many thousands of civilians are getting killed by our bombs and stray bullets (and economic sanctions for that matter). These things are realities that are many degrees worse, but I guess not as compelling as a deranged gunman killing a