sick tranny glory hole

A firstie comes across the sky
It has happened before, but there is nothing to compare to it now. It is too late. The cancerAIDs still proceeds, but it is all theatre.

Three Cheers
For a Matewan miniseries.

Lone Audience: if you don't mind my asking, what is your avatar?

I don't care if Thomas Pynchon wrote a vampire novel
I still wouldn't read it.

I'm certainly not under his "spell." I appreciate Naked Lunch (and to a greater extent the film) for what it is, and not really anything else. I didn't even finish it. Dude said it could be read in any order, so I took it to heart and skimmed the middle and the end

Hey Eric, why don't you literally fuck your own face? I don't like Christianity OR Islam, and either way, you're a tool? Consistent enough, dipshit?

I thought I read that he discarded the cut-up technique towards the end of his career but maybe not


George Carlin is overrated in the sense that people look at him as the be all end all messiah comic who could do no wrong. I love Carlin, I've read all his books including Last Words, but the dude did have some week shit. Any artist that gains a messianic following will becoming irritating, but that's no reason for

Beyond Naked Lunch
Given that I have only a finite amount of time to read for pleasure (who doesn't), I've only been able to pick up Naked Lunch. He seems sort of like Kesey, Heller, Kerouac, etc, in that they have that one "very important novel" that everybody and their mother have read, yet hardly anyone has read

I remember seeing a very interesting Burroughs doc
Called Naked Lunch. OK, so it wasn't strictly a documentary, but I seriously don't see how that can be improved upon. Unless they can graphically recreate him "accidentally" shooting his wife in the face.

That's sad. I mean, I've had friends die, and it sucks, but when you're at the age where your friends start dying of "natural causes," that's got to be a reality check for anyone. You either confront your mortality head on or fall into despair, it seems.

Sounds gay

It is the full omelette minus the splashes. It splashes so because of the way it explodes and sprays. That's the takeaway point here

@ Evan: Yeah, that is saying something. But the key difference is that Pat Robertson is an opportunist first and foremost and a Christian second. I'd be surprised if he believed half the bullshit he spouts. He was a speechwriter for Nixon for Christ's sake.

From European history, we all know that xenophobia, cultural intolerance, genocide as well as prudishness are all aided or can in some way be justified by the Bible

Grew up Catholic, went to Episcopal school, knew plenty of Lutherans and Presbyterians, and a few Greek Orthodox.

I watched the video, and though it gives them attention, it's all the wrong kind. I laughed my fucking ass off at these self-righteous pricks. If they want to waste their lives with this shit publicly, more power to them. God hates fornicating? You can't write this shit! Fucking comedy gold!

I'll save the bloody stools for you, Speedy Gonzalez, you South American impostor!

Banmar has revealed that she is a woman on multiple occasions and, on another thread, that she is fat (not judging, just stating a fact). She also claims to be a community leader in a small township in suburban New Jersey. It follows, then, that she must be white! So, her avatar fits these three criteria, and I've