sick tranny glory hole

Oh man, Nolan's Batman isn't some precious untouchable mana from the heavens, but shit, yo, it just pushes the border of realism. Just barely beyond. Tonally, Superman would be way way off. Gritty Superman? That would be SUCH SHIT.

The Fly comes to mind, but the greatest debt of Cronenberg's catalogue is definitely his early early early stuff-Shivers and especially Rabid. And to a lesser extent The Brood. Actually, it didn't remind me of the fly nearly as much as those

Though I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy Kingdom Come. But Red Son sucked my balls. And if the Dark Knight Returns gets a movie treatment, they better leave Superman the fuck out of it.

Also, gotta love the fucking losers on io9 bitching about how Nolan's not doing a Batman/Superman crossover. Yeah, that mean's he's sold out and all washed up. Keep dreaming assholes.

Superman is boring as fuck. Batman is closest to human, and every other superhero ever created is more interesting. I'd rather be stranded on a desert with Mark Millar comics and Dan Brown novels than read or watch anymore Superman

Sounds cool. Alls I know is, Tarantino cockteased us with talk of a Vega bros movie, and I'm pissed he hasn't delivered. You can't honestly tell me (with a straight face) that John Travolta and Michael Madsen have anything better to do?

People Really Care This Much?
Go write fan fiction or something you fucking losers

The Beast from the East(iality)

I had a hat.

I hear you. I saw the movie first, so I still like it, but didn't come close to understanding it until the 6th time I saw it. The manga is much easier to follow.

What, are you saying that children should be ashamed of their bodies????????????

Robutnik you could be held liable for Mal Vivant's death! Or rather D&B for not carrying a product of Robutnik's imagination that was barely keeping Mal sane!

Vega Brothers
Why doesn't Tarantino make it as an HBO series?

Oh yeah, maybe if LOtR were split up into a miniseries it wouldn't have been such a snoozefest. I've only ever fallen asleep during 4 movies, PowerPuff Girls (don't ask) and all three LOtR. Way too fucking long

How anyone can so matter-of-factly dismiss Third Rock is beyond me. Even if he had devolved into direct-to-DVD or made for TV movies, that alone gets him a lifetime pass. Finally providing the superb Michael C. Hall with an acceptable foe, both acting wise and story wise. Garp?????????? First time I ever saw him was

Why not create a fresh tv show with that idea instead of an abomination to a film classic? What was in between was left out for a reason. Do we need to see Captain Picard taking a dump? Othello popping the pimples on his ass?

You're wrong. Why don't you go have another religious experience and this time learn the error of your ways.

Only if Shane Black were head writer

There's already a similar show, Californication, in which the character is a drunk asshole (poor man's Bukowski) walking around negatively affecting people's lives and occasionally displaying redeeming qualities. I mean, not a good show to begin with, but maybe Hancock can do better. If it falls into the kind of easy

Just came back into print in the U.S. I bought the first volume (after having seen the movie several times over the years). And man, not only is it infinitely easier to understand in manga form, but there are 6 volumes of that shit.