sick tranny glory hole

I checked amazon, and it looks like it just came back in print in this country. It was unavailable except for expensive used copies for a while though

From Urban Dictionary: Havana omelette:—A load of diarrhea that creates a series of loud splashes in the toilet water.

I guess the it would be sad realizing that your mayor literally has no life and spends all her time cavorting with jackasses on a pop culture blog. Then again, more time to work right

"underwater filming"

Anyone read MoDo's latest column?
I always knew she was an idiot, but now she is beyond redemption. Truly useless bag of gas, along with Friedman and every other blathering asswipe.


I will, literally, take a havana omelette, corn chunk littered spray dump on your face

In due time, the well will bleed out and all we'll have to worry about is containment and clean up! Fuck yeah!

Yes! Call artists, the go-to experts on everything from environmental issues to public policy to international relations! Great idea!

Huh sounds like a good song to me, and not hipster douchey

You called me Professor! You must think I'm really samrt1 I've never been so honored in my life!

@ pinetree: Your impression of a dimwit defending an artist whose literacy (let alone ability to tie his own shoelaces) is dubious at best is spot on. Especially the spelling mistakes and run-on sentence! Bravo. We've had a dearth of good schtick posters

Guy who just tried to blow up the plane for example? Black. Ever been to Saudi Arabia? You might be surprised at how many white people there are. Not everyone looks like Osama bin Laden

I know you're trying to imply that I'm some liberal lightweight and that racial profiling actually works, so fine, MFSP, tell me: these "Arabs," what do they look like? What color is their skin? They all look the same right? It's not like Arabs come from a variety of countries and a variety of ethnic backgrounds or

@ ba: Yeah, what's the difference anyway. I'm not really a fan of the dance-punk genre at all, but the two songs There's No Fucking Rules Dude and Bend over Beethoven make me really like !!!.

Yeah. A friend loaned me Sound of Silver. I liked it well enough, but not enough to listen to it again, really, unless it came up on shuffle. It was well made, but, if I may, I will just say that from what I've heard, if I had to choose a dance-punk band, it would probably be !!!.

OK, I actually bought the book (already read Scanner, skipping ahead) and it is quite good. I can respect high ambitions but coming a little short (I like this book), but I can't stand disappear up their own asshole books like house of leaves

Or any Say Anything song for that matter.

I never actually listened to this guy's lyrics (played guitar 20 years, really only listen to the music, seriously, and I never retain lyrics), so I didn't pick up on this "incisive hipster critique," but if it's anything like that Say Anything (certified hipster garbage) song "Admit It!!" then fuck this guy.

Oh Master P, the inarticulate rapper (surprisingly not redundant as he's an outlier in this case). An artist in no sense of the word, never making any effort at quality, but rather cranking out albums like peanuts in an attempt to flood the market with his shit, hoping it will make up for his egregious and conspicuous