sick tranny glory hole


Hey guys, remember when Sonic Youth was relevant? Oh! I see what they did there

But you laydees have to sit down to pee right right? Bahahahahaha

Cat owners always seem so goddamned needy and pathological. A dog will be your friend, but they like to chase their aloof cats and beg for their attention because that's what they're used to.

hey! I know a lesbian! I…I had a black friend! ….in middle school!

I realize the *majority* of people in this state here illegally may be of a darker skin tone, but I've known some whiteass Mexicans. Broadly applied, racial profiling is stupid. My Canadian friend's green card expired a couple weeks ago, but he's white as milk so I guess they're not throwing up any roadblocks for him.

Racial profiling doesn't work because not every single illegal immigrant is the same shade of brown or even looks brown in the first place. I guess if you're a lighter skinned hispanic or arab you need not fear in this country right?

New Mexico's OK. Western Colorado is pretty nice (you know, Colorado's a fucking scam! You think it's all beautiful like Telluride, but almost the entire eastern half is as ugly as fucking Kansas! Fuck that shit). Arizona and Utah can definitely F off though. I mean, who honestly cared about Arizona before this.

(on your face)


DM has shitty lyrics fuck you and go to hell

"They didn't just view the natural world as a practical or convenient source of sustenance—they worshipped Nature because they would've died out had they failed to understand it."

"So getting back to genetic inheritance, I think it's safe to say that indigenous hunter-gatherers wouldn't have been able to create this wasteful little world of ours…and that is precisely why they are more fit for true long-term survival than the "genetically superior" Eurasians who did."

My cock causes hemorrhoids. Ever felt by footlong scraping your colon, just barely kissing your kidney? Sitting on the shitter? I flip my flaccid cock and dab the shit on my asshole.

"You know, it's a little hypocritical to say that American's getting pissy over this is a bad thing when that is exactly what you are doing, except the other way around."

Also, it'll be great to talk about Dick's style. It's as tired a point to bring up as Bob Dylan's voice, but needless to say, the man was not that eloquent in his writing, but neither was he a minimalist Carver/Hempel.

These are great choices (although I really, really wish that, as promising as CA sounds, that the Atwood novel had pulled through, but I guess we'll see it soon as promised).

I'm all for seeking out under the radar, non mainstream stuff. Lord knows that it's difficult to get a book published if you don't have the next Da Vinci Code or Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. I always feel as though novels are not really conducive to the indie scene (I mean, I seek out obscure lit mags just to check

How hard is it to get on the Amazon Vine Voice program? I imagine it's consistently writing solid, well-rated reviews?

Aw man, I sure hope not. Hank's already filled not only his but the show's quota for badassery this season, but I'm still fantasizing about another Hank wild west shootout.