Young Pioneer

Oh, and no stealth firsties or secondies. That really was what sprang to mind.

Remember those horrible purses Daniel Vosovic made in season 2?
If that show is like that, I shudder in fear.

Darryl and his daughter interacting was one of the sweetest parts of the episode for me. Her childlike glee at the vending machines seemed very real and very true to how 10 year old kids react to their parents.

Jim And Dwight
I thought that storyline would lead to a bigger payoff. The whole "Jim as manager" storyline has been built up to show him as a responsible adult and able family man. I kind of thought his attempt at playful spite at Dwight and Dwight's inevitable revenge would lead to some further climax as Jim

No irony
AV Club has always had pretty high standards with regards to plagiarism. I'd expect nothing less from you, but I'm still happy that you guys are as diligent as you are.

I think I like James Franco because he is somehow living all my dreams AT ONCE. Like the little kids who want to be teacher-ballerina-artist-policeman when they grow up, he's a writer-artist-actor-director-bon vivant. You have to admire that kind of spunk, even if he's not the best in any of those fields.

The vocabulary in Tolstoy is a little rarified and high church sometimes and he doesn't translate the French he uses, but the style and sentence structure is relatively simple. Dostoevsky, well, I read Crime and Punishment in Russian once and there was one sentence that went on for a page and a half.

Reading Master and Margarita in the original? Damn…

Don't be as shitty as the Greta Garbo version. I wanted to throw myself in front of a train when that was over.

The Nabokov translation is good for the footnotes.

I loved AR because it made me feel superior as a youngin'. I read Jane Eyre when I was eight and promptly forgot anything about the plot as soon as I was done with the quiz.

I think Kari and Grant are pretty charming when left to their own devices and not given stilted lines to read. Tori is obnoxious, but I guess you need a meathead around to weld and move heavy things.

Brahe collected the data, Kepler was the scientist who made it work.

Norse God echoes my only problem with the show. Then again, they can't well do a show that's just repeating the same test a thousand times to demonstrate reproducibility.

Oh man, I'd like to see Kim Kardashian on some trip to Africa with Bono. I demand a faceplant into the savanna off six-inch platforms.

"The abyss" seems like an appropriate name for the nether regions of any Kardashian.

Can't wait
For the inevitable CancerAIDS comments.

I enjoyed the first few seasons when much of the action was played for laughs and Brenda was mildly compelling as a character. It wasn't appointment television, but it was a show I could enjoy watching with my mother, which ic saying something.

In any event, it's a bad idea for Chris Brown to be referencing Ike Turner in his singles.

From the Chris Brown single Deuces: "Like Tina did Ike in the limo, it finally hit me"