
You knew the fight between the cocky boxer and Job would end in a thorough trouncing for said boxer but that it was over so quickly.. Job for President!

I get really tired of the reviewer going on and on about Eddie's "posing" . Why is it posing when you like something? Why do you like something? Because it speaks to you on a certain level that you might not (yet) be able to articulate.
I may be reading too much into this but the constant harping on Eddy (when you

This review is a stupid doodoo head.

I see your Blue Dahlia and I raise you Teenage Rebellion. It is so far from what people would think a Gaslight track should sound like, yet it is very much them and a-fuckin-mazing and it's not even on the deluxe version of Handwritten, only ichoonz and amazn bonus tracks.

And I came to get hurt
Might as well do your worst to me

And in the first year of my former life
I was seventeen and a wildfire burning
If I stretched out my hands
I was convinced I could conjure angels

She was called Fat Lindsay in the first ep if memory serves. She is, ofcourse, only fat if Allie McBeal is considered the paragon of healthy looking women.

You're not wrong but her picture on her IMDB profile somehow works even better for me. She is very easy on the eyes.

No one mentioned this one yet so here goes:
- I want to hear your stories..
- Well there were these four stray dogs fighting over a baby's corpse…

Tim Moore wrote a fun book about Monopoly's history and he tries to visit every spot of the London board in real life.
I always tried to get the light blue, orange and red streets. I did not win a lot.

I have all his music but jeebus that Moz is a giant shower (to quote Rory Scovel's character in Groundfloor)

This sucks. Fewer and fewer reasons to watch NBC.

Same for that other USA show which is somehow almost the same: White Collar. First Ford, then BMW.

But then you wouldn't get Lucy Liu looking amazing in her "morning after still in bed" look. She's so dreamy.

So I broke into the palace,
with a sponge and a rusty spanner
She said I know you and you cannot sing
I said:That's nothing. You should hear me play piano!

Phenomenal band. Apparently the singer learned English from a colleague while working in the cemetery as a summer job.
I'm pretty partial to their album Bagsy Me which is all killer. At the time I was really impressed with the quality of their b-sides, only to learn they were mostly songs from previous albums and

Pretty good episode apart from the Peanut Allergy sketch. Was Jim Norton Matthew McConnaughey's understudy for The Dallas Buyers Club? What's with that look?

Would it be that by wearing jeans to work out this guy is already showing he's not in the loop vis-a-vis gym attire/etiquette?

Very late to the party but here's my invented backstory for Matt: Mom divorced/was widowed and moved with a teenage Matt from Scotland to be with family/friends to NZ.
Would explain his accent and her grave.

I'm glad Mike is leaving, even though the main reason for leaving was taken away by the computer genie in the previous episode. Scotty, you were pointless, ciao! Please take Rachel with you (even though that will mean even fewer opportunities for her dad to show up and be awesome)