
Oh my yes, Piper is the worst. My wife and I have debated whether to keep watching the show after every episode knowing there is going to be at least 20-25 minutes of Piper forthcoming. And she is the worst. The worst.

@tommcallister:disqus Yeah, agreed. My distaste is mostly with his hacky, racist character work. He's funny playing a dick on The League and is generally entertaining when just being himself, but oh god, his characters are just the worst. It is virtually the only time I'll flat-out skip an episode of CBB.

Could not agree more with this comment. In fact, I've always found the CBB podcast reviews on AVClub to be utterly worthless.

So, when is the Pick 4 "draft" going to take place this year? And is it safe to assume that everyone just picks whoever they want for that competition?

So, despite an inactive summer of posting comments here, I did go back and watch a couple of recommended past seasons (Fans v. Faves I and Tocantins) and evaluated with your scoring methods.

'Bout damn time something was written about this album. Still no review (unlikely at this point), which is disappointing, but apparently hip-hop beggars can't be choosers at the AV Club. Especially since Rabin is gone and there's likely no one on staff who would do Run the Jewels justice anyway.

Toy Story 3 was fucking great and that was after Up (which was a fine film), so really the complaint is just that Cars 2 and Monsters University were obvious cash grabs and Brave missed the mark. Not much in that sample to say the golden age of Pixar is over, so chin up!

Oh man, that moment was priceless. After rewatching it, I'm pretty sure she was trying to ask Parvati to sleep with her in a euphemistic, insane and confusing fashion. I mean, what in the fuck else could she possibly have been talking about?

Yeah, Penner's elimination truly sucked on multiple levels: he's enjoyable to watch, was likely the only one who could've come up with a viable counter-strategy to Parvati and was the only hope for Eliza (whom I actually liked).

Good point - I guess I was basing it on the fact that his tribe kept building a lead and then losing once it got to the puzzle aspects of team challenges on Micronesia. Maybe it's just that Eliza was really damn good at puzzles.

I wasn't not asking either. I do already have Tocantins queued up as well, so that may be the deciding factor.

@robothouse So, after Micronesia, Palau should be next? I've already got Tocantins loaded up for later in the summer and maybe have time to squeeze one more season in before the return of the show in the fall.

Yeah, I have a hard time seeing where the "fan favorite" comes from. He doesn't seem well-liked by his tribemates even on this season and he was a complete cock to Cochran. Aside from Amanda and Alexis thinking he's pretty (and Erik too?), no one seems to be on his side.

I figured it had to do with a long immunity run - though he's not the greatest at puzzles, so I would've guessed he lost more than just one.

Alas, haven't seen Panama, so I have nothing to add there.

After I finish up Micronesia and stay caught up on Mad Men/Breaking Bad, I plan on watching Tocantins this summer. Let me know when you get started on that one - one of my favorite parts of the show is hashing out the strategy here.

Oh man. That is the textbook example of those moments that make me feel like a shithead for laughing hysterically at. I mean, Ogre is a giant dick, but Useless was just…inert.

I don't know, Jason seems pretty dull to me…at least intellectually. I'm only five episodes in, but the theme of his commentary has been shockingly one-note the entire time.

Yep, Ogre is the firefighter douche.

In case anyone's interested, I'm watching Micronesia (Fans vs. Faves I) right now and am game for discussing it here if anyone else is planning on going thru the backseasons this summer and had that one on their list.