
@avclub-ef062084a1c4a3584af1d4f8e514ea50:disqus @avclub-a1967e6de4ca99fb2635d94b99453928:disqus I'm four episodes in on Micronesia (one insomniac night will help with TV show churn-and-burn) and was already having an internal debate on the merits of subjective points.

Yep, full seasons. They go back thru Season 13 (Cook Islands) from what I saw, with all the non-HD seasons only costing $9.99.

@JudgeReinhold:disqus @avclub-ef062084a1c4a3584af1d4f8e514ea50:disqus @avclub-a1967e6de4ca99fb2635d94b99453928:disqus Alright, picked up Micronesia and Tocantins in the iTunes store for $10 a piece. Not free, but not so expensive that it makes me pause (gotta love the pre-HD pricing).

Done. Didn't even know that existed.

Errr…so, now that I was all fired up to some Survivor catch-up (particularly as GoT and Mad Men wind down and I have time burn until Breaking Bad comes back), I realized I have no idea where to find older episodes. Nothing on Netflix, Hulu or CBS.com it seems. Suggestions anyone?

Ha! Perfect.

@avclub-4e5512c7375097bd9de6b2997a5a8176:disqus I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on this one - in part because I think Cochran was much more liked than Eddie by nearly everyone and in part because I don't buy it that 100% of people vote for who they dislike the least (although it's certain a large percentage

Nice, thanks for the recommendation - and great point on watching the "initial" runs for certain players rather than jumping right into them fully-formed.

I'll probably go both routes: for scoring purposes, I'll just start when they introduce HII and work my way forward. And the wiki pages provide some information that can be used to fill-in gaps when necessary.

You're crazy. Malcolm is an Ivy League-educted guy who traveled to a foreign country to teach English and now has a budding acting career.

@JudgeReinhold:disqus I'm planning on watching some back-seasons this summer/fall (starting with HvV since I just started watching in 2011) and will definitely test the scoring systems. My wife is expecting our second child and I live in a wasteland now, so I've got tons of expected indoor time to use "constructively."

No way. He had Reynold, maybe Andrea and that was it. Malcolm made it clear he was voting for best strategy, Phillip would never have voted against a loyal S 'r Us and what rationale would Brenda have had voting for Eddie who did nothing for her over Cochrane. Eddie would've likely won in a Dawn/Sherri finale, but

When you're going about the process for the leagues next season, when are you going to start taking names for the League 1-level folks.

I think the real thing Cochrane realized was that he could make history with a perfect vote if he got rid of Eddie (since Reynold was definitely voting for Eddie and maybe one of the Andrea/Malcolm duo).

Without that opening speech it would've just been standard reality TV stuff (lack of self awareness, playing up confidence), but luckily she did open with that hilariously misguided/awful speech.

Oh man, where in the heck do I sign-up for my Championship-level spot now so I'll be on the list for promotion to the Premiership next year?

And honestly, I don't even know if any of the strategizing matters for Cochrane at this point - he's done a marvelous job of eliminating the threats right before he was targeted and never sooner.

Agreed with a lot of the posts here re: Cochrane & Dawn. Aside from Brenda's pitying her, she seemed to be annoying people pretty consistently throughout and was always approached as a "swing" vote only when necessary…not as an actual decision-maker.

Well, I think she meant she was in control of the voting, not necessarily the game itself. She has no shot in hell of winning, but is going to a major decision-maker down the stretch for her stays and goes since she's not part of any concretized alliance.

Good points all around re: jury construction.