

Only from a certain point of view…

Can't wait for Verizon's response as their name and logo was plastered across the whole side of that bus

Make that 4 cats

House of the Undying

The thing about free speech is you get what you pay for.

Poor Annie Parisse! Her characters always seem to end up in the same spot…

Poor Annie Parisse! Her characters always seem to end up in the same spot…

Any "philosophy" expressed through fiction is lazy because the author controls the original conditions and can design a villain the sympathetic protagonist can oppose in a particular way, thus supporting the premise.

HOD, that you connected to the film in that way should reassure that you are a sane person in a crazy world. Having not seen it since release (and probably shaky on details), I'd almost rather revisit the movie when I'm closer to Bob's age and achievements and reinterpret it from the other side.

Unlike poor Jenna D'Sora, Tasha knew better than muddle things with pillow talk…

How were all the people too dumb to acquire and use a prior format able to earn enough money to overpay on iTunes?

Liz and Polly Jean present interesting contrasts; unfortunately people are more likely to opine/admire rather than buy her records, too:

A Rose By Any Other Name…
I've read all 650+ posts and seen no mention of:

Can we save the Liz discussion until next time? I'd rather hear what Steven has to say before we mercilessly deconstruct it.

I lurked alt.music.pearl-jam for a long time in the mid-90's, and the most-contributing female fan once remarked how she could never understand "Release" (more often used an opener).

Holy shit I forgot that's Scott Stapp's birthday, too.

No, its "Mooby macks"

Love the song, but non-teen-angsty interpretations have more weight considering Vedder was almost thirty and world famous when he wrote it.

Did PJ buy those records and send them to your house? Thought not…