
A nice synopsis, yes, but seems to set the table for a lively comments discussion than acheive the deeper meaning of the earlier articles.

Just wondering if similarly themed opinions about Pearl Jam and Smashing Pumpkins would be different if the extensive early B-side collections of both bands were more widely heard. Available now on the excellent "Pisces Iscariot" (Starla!) and "Lost Dogs" (tho the orig Wash was better), these highlight how

Wow, that's like, recursively ironic, coming from the Manic Pixie Dream Robot….

For everything that was going on in 1991, strange how reducing it to this essential conflict/transition effectively captures the period.

Not to start a mutual admiration society, but gotta second 1983 as a truly epic year for everything fantastic and terrible about the 80's and music in general. The Police were the biggest band in the world. I looked at the Billboard Top 100 and got to #70 before reaching a song I don't instantly recall.

A little late to the game, but….
Kudos for recognizing the unique resume of Terry (Terrance) O'Quinn.

Tanya, go with grace…

"Tanya MacGaffin {again, no 'Dr.' or 'Ph.D.'?} is a graduate of doctoral programs at University of Texas and University of Virginia. She received her bachelor's degree from University of Rhode Island. She has written for The New York Review of Books, The New Yorker, and The New York Times. Opposites Attract is her

{over; book appears to have fewer than 300 pages, really?}

Let's all give a slow clap for Tanya, if this her last day @ API
"Opposites Attract: Toward a Unified Theory of Human Dialectics"
{BAMF! wasn't Will carrying this around once? grey w/ orange stripe?} {mmm, Fruit Stripe…}

No, he would have done it right after he said thank you to his assistant, with that unique Truxton flair for finality.

I was going to bring up Lost as well, to suggest other shows (e.g. Rubicon) might be learning its lesson: if the show is ultimately about the characters, make the show unmistakably about the characters. Yes I obsessed over Lost's mythology more for the connections (suggesting beyond coincidence) than the actual

Methinks the "milking the goat" scene represents the seemingly common American perspective re: suicide motivated by religious extremism, that it's based almost entirely in self-loathing. The interrogation of the "girlfriend" paints that specific picture (along with impotence), and the tango del mano was performed with

Three years after the movie I visited colleges around Chicago but had some time to, ahem, kill by walking around downtown. I wandered a little too far and suddenly found myself outside the building from the movie, with pretty much the same pile of trash in front.

As much as I resist using reductionist statistics (like IQ) to quantify any person, if you purchased "Rid Of Me" we'll get along just fine…

With their sense of humor and abundance of free time, it probably referred to the ape-boy from Land Of The Lost….

How I like to describe Joni to newbs:
Joni is the Cliff's Notes for women: not the whole story, but enough to pass the test.

Agree the lack of computers is more than aesthetic. It seems many of the characters' epiphanies arise from a contemplative state, and I argue (as an experienced programmer) computers as a primary device do not foster that state. In homage to George Smiley, API wants it's analysts to be lifers (hence support for Tanya)

Kale is training Will to appear normal under surveillance
The biggest flaw so far in this highly enjoyable show is Will's naivete re: being personally surveilled when he's spent at least a decade in the business. This episode finally coalesced many moments into a cohesive purpose:

Justice was one of the first rock albums to be digitally mixed (not just mastered) for CD. Considering today's average smartphone has better sampling capability than studios back then, it should not surprise any knowlegeable ears the production is universally unsatisfying. The only way to salvage it would be from the