Turn the other cheek, brah!
But after the crucifiction, it's all like long conversations about nothing important. BORING.
And lo, the people saw, for the Son of God did bear a satchel, within which was held a six of Natty Ice, a Game Cube, and a giant black dildo. And he did visit the people, and spread the word of the Father, and VD.
It's called a moment of clarity.
"They killed my n**** Jesus!"
Or, knowing bible-humpers, it will be pretty tasteless.
Scalia is just one of those types of conservatives that lives to piss off liberals. He'll live to be 113 and stay on the bench, writing rambling, demented opinions, just out of spite.
I hope they finally explore Jesus' homosexuality and his romantic relationships with his apostles and disciples. That would make for some not-unbearably-terrible television. Just normal terrible.
And Samuel L. Jackson narrates his backstory. And all was well in the world.
A cruise full of racist, morbidly obese southern white people sounds worse than hell.
Paula Deen's New Testament
Did you see that ludicrous display last night?
@avclub-9ff7c9eb9d37f434db778f59178012da:disqus Except that it actually happens all the time. There is an effective detente between the media and political offices, as they each rely on each other for business, depending on who has leverage.
I wonder if Captain Phillips knows Major Tom.
It's, like, Piracy 101.
Agreed. I think that's the best Mercutio scene in any film incarnation of R&J.
Yeah that is probably the nadir of Lost after Season 3, which I consider to be Lost Phase 2.
That's like saying it's not as bad as syphilis.