As To Puzzle Me Exceedingly

Who knows, maybe her *not* being Talia ends up freeing the writers to give her whatever arc they like, including a Talia-esque one if that's what they want. (Whereas if she were *officially* Talia, then maybe there would be legal restrictions or something.)

What was it you didn't like about it? (I don't remember it all that well. Soft-focus vaselined lens and all that?)

_Out of Sight_ does so many things so well. I can actually buy that those two would be hot for each other, despite the circumstances (their respective stations in life, and the aforementioned compressed timeline of any romantic subplot in a movie).

"I never thought it made sense, though, the way they got together so quick."

He got the idea from the boat's XO.

I'm not sure either. All I remember is that she sounded as though she wanted revenge against Oliver's father (?), but I'm not sure how that connects to Shado.

I wonder if he ever read his own book :)

I love this movie. The scenes between Redford and Dunaway are, for some reason, completely mesmerizing. The dialogue is specific enough that it elevates the situation beyond the (by now) somewhat generic (and icky) Wrong-Man-on-the-run-kidnaps-a-woman-and-they-have-chemistry.

Now that you mention it, has the show's title ever been explained/justified on the air? How does the answering in the form of a question tie in with "danger" and that saucy exclamation mark?

Not even a little recreational parkour thrown in there occasionally? For the tourists?

Yeah, you don't hire Summer Glau on an ass-kicking show and then not have her kick ass. But the delay in the gratification increased its potency and I just grossed myself out.

Ah, is that what that was? I figured it was a (somewhat less witty) "joke" about lightning not striking twice. (Plus a reminder of Flash's origin, lest we forget.)

Bright side, if he gets fired he can pursue goombas in all his spare time!

I don't think she thinks that she ever used to be queen bee—though she certainly did visibly enjoy the power of her little trio. It seems to me as though she is so careful not to appear as though she's being fooled/betrayed/blindsided, that she ends up torpedoing things. Why else would she ever tell someone things

"Barre al Ghul"!

Yeah, I had an intuitive sense that he should have made it a true Daily Double, though I wouldn't have been able to articulate the reasons. Thanks for the explanation!

That was maybe *too much* continuity, in that it might have been preferable for the show to simply forget that Laurel and Blood had had any sort of interaction. Now I worry that, though we got no dead spots *this* episode, it simply punts the Laurel awfulness into a future one.

It rages on.

Hey, those Tampax door-to-door salesmen save lives.

He himself said something like "Do we have to have this debate every Wednesday?"