As To Puzzle Me Exceedingly

I did wonder just how used to (or not) an average Starling City bus driver would be to crazy super-powered villains.

I had a sense that Russ could have wagered more on that last DD. Not sure if logic/math bears that out, though.

He had a very off-putting affect the whole time, like being on TV and not sailing through to a win was this huge imposition.


This makes sense. But then are we forced to question his detectin' abilities? Felicity and his own daughter, a known (to him) vigilante, are both in Oliver's sphere…

To say nothing of the fact that for a while there, it looked as though he'd be a tedious love interest for Laurel. I guess that could still happen, but the way the character was used tonight was SO much better.

Felicity's "It's Thea" didn't work for me; way too cloying and facile and on-the-nose. She also had another somewhat fanservice-y moment that I didn't like, but I can't remember it now.

Or John Stewart.

The line he's responding to was really well done, too. The logic was impeccable (but very, very cold).

But we also got that odd (IMO) exchange where his daughter lied to him for no reason… I sort of thought he was pretending to not know. I don't know why he would baldly ask a point-blank question and thus press the point.

I was so happy to see Summer Glau, and also that her character got to reveal some of her motives, finally, and to break out the River-Tam moves.

The one about the tone (when Blood freaked out) was well-delivered too. Something like "I think you were aiming for a different tone there, buddy boy."

"How am I supposed to play with so many Is on my rack?"
Manny: [averts gaze] "Sorry."

Unrelated, but this reminded me of Woo's self-racist moment in the previews: "I'm a ninja!"

It's as though she values not being fooled more than actually doing well.

… with the odd consequence that the fact that he publicly verbalized it helps Kass get to the end (though probably not win, as you say).

Even his "Final Five!" blunder has paid off! It's crazy.

I think she also does that thing where the person uses "logic" as a pretext to indulge in (often immature) feelings. I think she's thin-skinned.

Agreed. There is no reason to say that. I realize that a hard "No" is difficult, socially, to give, but waffling makes *both* sides potentially turn on you, and even if you survive, you'll probably be bottom on the totem pole regardless. It's better to make a solid decision and tell that team, unequivocally, I'm with

re: "store," I think you mean "bidness." But yeah, high time.