As To Puzzle Me Exceedingly

Here in the loony bin, I guess I'll start doing my chin-ups.

Thank you! This all makes perfect sense once you've spelled it out. Much obliged.

IIRC both Vijay (2nd place atm) and Stephanie (3rd place atm) wagered everything for FJ, while Roger wagered just enough to beat Vijay if Vijay answered correctly. Was this good strategy all around? Did their level of comfort with the category factor in, do you think, or was it mostly game theory?

Your analysis on the ideal FJ bet is, as always, really sharp and the kind of thing that would never occur to me to work out; I love reading your Jeopardy! posts.

That's insane and awesome. The second DD was in a fresh category, too, which means they had had no time to even gauge the category's difficulty level. The balls on this guy!

FJ was a little silly in that it was at once pretty hard but also ridiculously easy if one recognized the word Scotland.

It was clear to me even in the moment that Colby could have wagered a lot more on that Animals DD. It was a good thing that he ended up winning anyway, because he really did seem to be the most solid, but he ended up having to rely on some luck.

The second Grace popped up onscreen, I thought, "Don't church at us, Grace," and not two seconds later, the first words out of her mouth were, indeed, some pap about heaven.

That's true, but every once in a while—on TV—we do come across a reply along these lines:

That's true! I didn't take into account the pre-credits segment.

Good example. This is what I mean: That the show's structure—each episode occurs on different (consecutive) days—necessarily implies that we'll never get a traditional cliffhanger-plus-its-immediate-resolution. That is, we will never get a scene like that shower scene, and then, in the next episode, a continuation,

Is the following true? That having each episode take place one day after the previous one effectively* means that we'll never get a cliffhanger?

Now I'm wondering whether Human Centipede owes royalties to the ouroboros people.
(Sue, ouroboros people! You might have to spring into existence first, though—probably out of someone's ass. Your own ass? Deep!)

I, however, approve of *your* extra letters.

Vancouver? I've never seen it onscreen.

She could have played The Doctor AND her Companion(s)! (And some Daleks. And the TARDIS.)

Necrophiliacs rejoice.

I'm highly amused at the parenthetical, tentative fapping.

Racks, I think.

"Nappies are cool."