As To Puzzle Me Exceedingly

Did he breastfeed?

You know, I half-expected J-LC to be a guest on the show for some fluffy reason (softball #2) and then for the host to reveal that, gasp, J-LC is (somehow) the new Doctor.

She can at least take his old job at The Thick of It and call someone ELSE a c*** for a change.

I loved that line of Moffat's about its being time that the Queen be played by a man. (Poor Charles, though I really can't muster up much enthusiasm for him. I'd be okay if he was skipped.)

Or, for all we know, *two* dicks. What's all that two-heart blood being pumped for, eh?

A saucy marzipan dildo? A plucky marzipan dildo? A marzipan dildo with moxie? With spunk?

All that "he" business that Matt Smith was doing made me think we were getting a woman, finally ("The A.V. Club: We are getting a woman, finally") but then the host mentioned this and that meant no, since it meant the host was spoiling.)

Seriously. I couldn't be more pleased.

It seems they're going with "Twelve," numbering-wise, for Capaldi, John Hurt notwithstanding. I don't know if that's a factor of the nature of John Hurt's character or simply to make the internet's life much easier.

Hell Yea.

That first shot of his hand, before we had seen his face, totally gave it away. The man has identifiable metacarpals.

F Star Star Geronimo!

There's nothing in the setup that is an automatic turnoff for me, so it's a pity that, in execution, the show doesn't rise above middle-of-the-road (per the review). I might have tuned in for this.

I suppose a "love is blind" joke would be in bad taste.

Saget!Ted is R.I.P.D.

I will judg as much as I like.


Let the boy go home. Let him go right home.

Your Father Told It Wrong

With the S. And "Jacoba"! Wow. Did not know that.