As To Puzzle Me Exceedingly

Cater-waiter: "I don't want to work front-of-house! Those always get eliminated!"

Heh. For sure. I also wondered how Hannibal would be with the hired servers: super-nice? finnicky asshole? He might even put himself in a position to be slighted by them so he can fatten up that rolodex.

It'd be great to suddenly see more of her.

There are so many possible meanings that I don't even dare to parse them.

Such a great reaction. Izzard's best in the whole run so far.

Plus the dinner party had a 3D effect of sorts, with the geometric floor tiles viewed from an angle overhead.

I loved Izzard's face when Hannibal showed up in the hospital room.

Ah, I see. Even in normal (non-tournament) play, the possible advantage of messing with the clock was marginal at best—maybe leave two or three untouched clues on the board in a category that perhaps favors your opponent(s). (It seems to me the video clues would be a good way of stalling….)

"Boxy but they're safe"? :)

Good point, since the location of DDs affects the maximum available points. (displacing either a $200 clue, say, or one worth $1000)

I shudder to think of the doughboy-slaughter murals they might have…

So Vinita's friends dub the car she won "the Jeopardy!mobile" when "Jeopardy!jalopy" is right there.

I kept looking at the date, thinking the clue would be there, but nope. Are we supposed to know all the mayors?

Alex must have a killer Sean Connery impression he's been dying to use for years.

I was actually surprised that Ken didn't seem to be stalling at all after acquiring his humongous insurmountable lead.

I loved the way you phrased this, "impeccable fundamentals."

Whoa. That's like that chessboard thing with the grains of rice. The power of doubling!

"This one time, in my hand…"

Nice! Thank you. No law-related pun-ny origin related to trying someone twice for the same crime, then? :)

The setting of the movie was successfully established as mundane, so that the deaths, when they arrived, hit that much harder.